
Is it supposed to feel this...empty?

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I've gotten over people before, no big deal--just moving on. No problem, right? Well, this time is odd. I know I'm over him, at least, I don't really feel for him anymore. But...ever since I realized that, I feel empty something is missing. I can't explain it. Just...ever since I got over him I feel hollow inside.

And just to add in, we never dated.




  1. You are a needy person. Many people need companions to share our lives with. Get your *** up and go find one. Try a dog or cat ... they run away less often then a human companion. Or find your place upon the earth where you and the earth below, the air above, and the other elements find peace as individual parts working together as one.

  2. The key phase is that you never dated.  Had you actually dated this guy, you would have witnessed his flaws first hand.  Since this did not occur, you have made his persona something above and beyond what he should be to you.  Although women do not seem to be able to latch onto the following, guys do not.  Your boy friend did not think enough of you to ask you out.  Be angry at him  for this because he missed the time of his life.  Try not to be sad.  It is not your fault.  There are plenty of guys out there that will have no problem loving and cherishing you.  Do not despair.  Remember when one door closes, another opens.  Pray to God to see you through this.  Trust in God that he knows what is best for you.  Since it is not this guy, it is someone else.  Be positive and the future will be yours.

  3. That's sad to know... You just really have to let it go and move on with no ill feelings.. Only you can fill that void inside of you. Try socializng more and get busy. You have to love yourself first... Everything happens for reason... If it's meant to be it's meant to be....

  4. I actually understand-although I can't put into words why I do. I mean....I feel the same way in a way. But you feel really sad? I do too about someone, because they're gone now actually....I mean-I'm happy, then sometimes I'm all sad and it keeps going like that. I don't think I can ever actuallly get over it. Hm. I'm confused about myself....ermmmm.....well I'm not sure what you can do. Because I don't know what to do...I suppose it's normal though. It is. I guess somehow time is supposed to heal things in a certain amount-but who knows if the feeling will actually fully pass. Huh. What I said was probably not useful at all. - - Well, good luck with everything!!!

    *~~~Best Wishes From Tammy~~~*

  5. i think its just part of the process of moving on. that hasnt happened to me before. it'll pass, dont worry.

  6. I don't know. You sound so sad. I'm sorry you feel like this.

  7. Emptiness is the result of identifing with the ego and your mind. You are not your mind and ego.

  8. It's normal. Love, or watever you want to call it, actually acts the same way as an addiction. There are endoprhins and various other chemicals that are released in ur brain when you're around someone your interested in. When you lose that person for whatever reason, you don't get those endorphins anymore. Instead of just going away, what happens at first is that you want to feel that way again even more.

    So yeah, its normal. There's a chemistry to love/lust/romance (literally). It'll go away; even quicker if you find someone else :P

  9. You AREN'T over him

  10. You loved him, right? Doesn't matter that you never dated. You loved him!

    While you loved, a place within you grew to give the love you felt flowing out of you. The hollow thing you have is: there is no place for your love to go; so that space has no where to expend itself.  It is really hard, sad, painfull at the beginning. You had a place from which your love could go to your loved one; then you didn't have a place for your love to go. It can take quite a while for the part of you that gave that love to shrink and become a potential space, just waiting to love again.

    I am 60. There have been a number of women I have loved. For a variety of reasons, that love terminated. It has always been hard; has never been easy.

    From Alfred Lord Tennyson's poem In Memoriam:27, 1850:

    I hold it true, whate'er befall;

    I feel it, when I sorrow most;

    'Tis better to have loved and lost

    Than never to have loved at all.

    And it is true. Loving another is it's own reward - however it turns out.

    Hang in there.

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