
Is it tacky of me to flirt with his brother?

by  |  earlier

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The guy I had a crush on liked me, but he has a girlfriend he clearly isn't dumping anytime soon, and keep in mind there's a strong possibility my crush knows I like him. My friend suggested I go for his single brother a long time ago, but I was too focused on my crush. I talked to his brother tonight though and he's actually really funny and I'm curious to get to know him, but I'm wary whether or not to pursue anything because of the fact it's his brother. Should I?




  1. it depends on which one you like better

    but i think you should just go for it GIRL

    get to know the brother better

    Good Luck :D

  2. message me

  3. You should never use the brother thats just wrong...but if you actually like the brother, go for it. You cant just cut out family'd never date (everyone in most countrys are related atlest as 32nd cousins)  

  4. it's awfully rude to his brother to be using him just to get to your "crush."

  5. do what you feel like doing (:

  6. Yeah, and lame.

  7. It depends on if you still have feelings for him. It wouldn't be fair to the brother if he were just the consolation prize. But if your over him and since he has a G_I_R_L_F_R_I_E_N_D ....and would you want someone who lies and treats his girlfriend like that????  But it all is clear go for it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. its not, as long as you didnt do anything with him its ok to see whats up with the brother. not just cos its his brother tho, you actually have to like him, and plese let him pursue you

  9. It's tacky and trashy.

  10. Its not tacky or anything else...its fine. You never went out with this guy so its not like you are going out with both of them or anything. Get to know the brother and see what happens...Have fun :)

  11. go right ahead. that clown aint dealin with u so why wait? whats he gonna say? hes taken innit.

  12. It isn't necessarily 'tacky' or 'trashy' but it might be a bit unwise. Things might be a little too close and a little too warm.

    With approximately 3 million other guys on the planet, maybe you should just pick a different one.

    Besides, if the brother likes you enough after your encounter, he'll look u up.

  13. Sure why not? If you feel like it......if you like him then go for it!

  14. go for it!

  15. No, kick back and find somebody else.  

  16. If you still have feelings for him I would say no, but if he still has a girlfriend and you are a free woman, why not?  If you are afraid he will end up liking you and you liking him then don't do it.  It will hurt his brother if he really likes you and it could cause a family feud.  I liked my husbands brother first before I met my husband but when I saw my husband I knew I wanted him for sure.  I'm not sure his brother liked me anyway and was younger than me.  I like men older or the same age.   My husbands older.  It will all work out.  search your heart.

  17. Well you should go for him if you like him. Not to get your crush, that's really really tacky and wrong. If you are that into him, just wait, dont STALK the boy, just wait and see what happens.

    I had a friend that did that EXACT thing one time. The boys girlfriend and the brother got hurt.

  18. hit it and if you don't like it quit it :)

  19. well what are you going to do when your crush breaks up with his chick and your with his brother, you gonna can his brother then get with him? nasty

  20. Stop fretting about this and just get on with it.  Yes, it's OK to pursue a friendship with the dude's brother.

  21. id say sleazy is the proper word.

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