
Is it tacky to ask my bridesmaids and groomsmen to pay for their dresses and tuxes?

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Is it tacky to ask my bridesmaids and groomsmen to pay for their dresses and tuxes?




  1. Apparently, having bridesmaids pay for their own dresses is customary. I had to buy the bridesmaid dress for 2 of my friends' weddings that I was in (one wedding didn't even happen, by the way, $170 bucks WASTED!)  I guess thats the norm, even though personally I think it is tacky and shouldn't be the bridesmaids responsibility. It should be paid for by the bride/couple in my opinion. I think the bride and groom DO pay for the tux rentals for the groomsmen usually, which is strange I think. I guess since the bridesmaids keep the dress that's why it's become common to buy their own. I'm not sure. But you will not be in the minority if you make them buy their own. I sure did!

  2. I've been in a ton of weddings & always paid for my own bridesmaid dress. Don't the bride & groom have enough to pay for already?

  3. aren't they supposed too???

  4. That is the way it normally is unless you want them to have something that is ridiculously expensive or you are far better off then they are. Normally it is seen as their "gift" to you and your spouse for your wedding. Most people know the costs associated with being in someone else's wedding and if they can't afford it they will say no.

  5. It is normally done that way, but it is tacky to choose such expensive clothes that they won't be able to pay without great inconvenience to themselves. The men usually can get by with renting their clothes, but women's dresses are usually entirely unsuitable to be worn again.

    They would be very grateflul if you selected something that was not only affordable but of a style suitable for some other occasion, considering the state of the economy.  

  6. I dont think so - I wouldnt have any problem with it. Your friends should be thankful that you have asked them to be a part of your very special day. On that token - if they pay, they should be able to choose what they wear. I know as a bride, you may want to control everything to make your perfect dreams come true - but.... it money is an issue concentrate on the love you share with each other and your friends and family. Make that the focus of the day, and not what everyone looks like! Hope the day (and marriage) turns out perfectly!!

  7. A little, if you can't afford the wedding you should postpone. I really dont get why people want to spend big money on wedding you should elope and have a expensive honeymoon lol.

  8. Tradition states that the bride should purchase the bridesmaid dresses.

    However, with younger couples getting married, it can be ridiculously expensive and just not feasible.  

    As a bride, I may not be able to afford bridesmaid dresses for my ladies, since my bridesmaids are my dearest friends, I think they will understand.  (I'm getting married in 2 years...I'm going for a long-term engagement because I'm in my last year of school and I don't want to be serving mac&cheese at the wedding).  

    If I can't afford the bridesmaid dresses, I'll go for affordable options that they all like.  My colors are likely charcoal and navy, so I'm sure I can find a dress that the girls will be able to wear for several occasions.  However, if you're going for a really expensive dress that is "unique" (read: something they likely won't wear again), then you should pay for the dresses.

    Since I'm 23, most of my friend's weddings that I've been to have the bridesmaids paying for their own dresses and the groomsmen renting tuxes.

    I guess if you're older and have a more established income, then you may appear cheap if you don't buy the dresses.  

    Weddings are already expensive, you shouldn't drive yourself into debt to buy all the bridesmaid dresses.  Maybe you could pay for half.  

    Either way, you should have gifts for the bridal party, and if everyone is paying for their own clothes, you may want to have a more generous gift.

  9. I've always had to pay for my own "stand up" gear when I was in weddings.  I thought that was standard protocol.  To me it is unusual when someone else pays for it.

  10. The groomsmen should be able to rent tuxes from a rental shop. Go there and pick out what they should wear that will match the theme.

    Bridesmaids are expected to buy a dress. Its standard wedding protocol. Just make sure its not a 400 buck dress that you are asking them to buy. There are other expenses as well such as shoes, makeup, nails and the hairdresser.

    Men have it easy being in a wedding!  

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