
Is it tacky to get married at the Justice of the Peace but still have a wedding registry?

by  |  earlier

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At a department store, or any store that does wedding registries.




  1. No....not if you are having a reception!  You can get married privately (or with a few guests) at the courthouse and then have a reception.  Perfectly fine to register.  Just remember to never announce in any invitation where you are registered.  Let it be by word of mouth or the guests figuring it out themselves.

    Good luck!

  2. well, i got married that way . i didn't really do registry, usually people like to have a wedding to attend and for some reason ,some stupid people, don't think getting married in court is really married so they don't bother with gifts.

  3. You can have a wedding registry even if you have no guests. However, you won't tell anyone directly where you're registered unless they ask.

    Be sure this is really the wedding you want. I have seen too many women do this and then regret it. Years later they are asking if they can still have their dream wedding. Nope.

  4. I answered you other JoP wedding question too ...

    A JoP wedding isn't any less of a wedding than a typical chapel wedding, so of course you should register.  When you send out wedding invites to the actual ceremony people are going to still want to buy you a present to celebrate.  Just be sure to follow the etiquette rule of not including registry/gift information in your invites, the same as any other wedding.

    Also, if/when you send out wedding announcements after your special day many of your close friends and family will also want to buy you a gift of congratulations, so it's good to be registered and have close family members help spread the word about where.

    You are getting married! If it is by a JoP or a priest, or in a destination wedding, it is still an important life event that people will want to celebrate and congratulate you for.

    Good Luck!

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