
Is it tacky to tell someone how tacky someone else is?

by  |  earlier

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Or should you just shake your head and keep it inside? Some things need addressed, but don't you look tacky pointing them out?




  1. Yes. It's also rude and judgmental, too. Also, how do you if the person you're talking to isn't related to the person you're gossiping about? Better to just not go there.

  2. Yes, it's very tacky to point out someone else's tackiness, just as it's rude to point out someone else's rudeness.  

  3. It's not tacky, it's rude! Don't do that!

  4. Gossip of any kind is always tacky.  Don't do it.

  5. Depends how close you are to the person, if its not a friend then I think thats the time to just keep it inside. You would look rude and tacky pointing it out

  6. yOU aRE aSKING IF its tACKY TO bE taCKY.... lAWD,,, wHATS tHE wOLRLD cOMING toooOOOO???

  7. Yeah, don't do it.

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