
Is it tacky when returning a call 15 minutes after you missed it to call twice?

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I missed a call from a potential employer about 15 minutes ago and just returned the call and left a voice mail. I guess I am really eager but I would like to call them back again. It has been about 20 minutes since I first called back. Would that be tacky???




  1. If you've already called once just let them be.

    I'm pretty sure they did not ignore your call on purpose- there was a reason for missing it.

    They may be closed at this point (depending on the type of job it is.)

    They will get back to you when they get a chance, so don't worry about it.

    I would suggest trying them back in a few days or a week if you don't hear anything.

    Good luck on getting that job! =]

  2. Rather than play phone tag, go there in person if the job is close to home because that shows more eagerness on your part.  Phone calls are annoying.

  3. There is practically no concept that involves tackiness when seeking desirable employment short of sleeping at their door step. Unless you possess the wherewithal to ignore the opportunity I suggest that you return the call post haste. A desperate alternative may involve many thousands of hours of sheer misery for which you may have no immediate recourse.

  4. Did you say in the first message that you would call back? I don't think it would be wrong, maybe they are calling others since you didn't answer. Call them again, if you get the message thing again tell them you will keep trying. Might show persistance.

  5. You responded, now give them time to get back to you.  If you don't hear anything by tomorrow, then call them again.

  6. No don't call again.

  7. Call them back, but don't leave another voice-mail message. As an employer, I would appreciate your persistence, and if you did get hold of me I would appreciate the fact that you didn't make me play phone-tag and saved me an extra call. But, I won't appreciate you filling up my voice-mailbox or putting me to the time-wasting effort of listening to multiple messages.

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