
Is it that McCain has no drive to stick to the issues or is it Palin's inability...?

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0 LIKES UnLike grasp the meanuing of those issues as the Republican continue to attack everyone based on personality instead of ability and desire to get things done.McCain is Bush all over again isn't he?




  1. Anyone will be better than the Dali Bama. What would he do if there was a serious security threat and he did not have a telepromter telling him what to say.

    Of course once he gets in the only words he'll need to know is

    "We surrender"

  2. as stephanie tanner would say: you got it dude

    mccain not sticking to issues proves he's running on the ignorance of thousands of ignorant people. isssues are what matter! they are what is REALLY driving this election.

    palin's inability to lead this country will become more evident when joe biden debates with her.

    OBAMA and BIDEN will destroy mccain/palin in the debates and yet there will still be blind, ignorant support for them because racism and ignorance is still present.


  4. McCain's campaign manager actually admitted that the only thing they have left to rely on is smear, not the issues.

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