
Is it that bad that i've been eating approx. 2500 calories a day?

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I usually eat about 1400-1500 calories, but i'm a synchro swimmer and for the past week i've been in training camp which is 7 hours a day, 1 hour spent stretching or pilates, 3 hours in the pool (almost all of the time laps, some time working on figures and routines), 1 hour doing strength training, the rest of the time lunch and free time.

I absolutely understand how many calories 2500 is, but it seems like I need that to keep me going.

If it helps, i'm 14 years old, 5'3.5'' and 130 lbs (I know I sound fat, but I have lots of muscle).

I'm very weight and calorie conscious, but it seems ike i'm always hungry.

I haven't gained any weight, i've actually lost 0.5 of a pound, but i'm nervous that i'm going to gain weight eating all this food.

I'm trying to make healthy choices though :]

I've been eating fruit, granola, fruit smoothies, lean meat+whole grain subs, etc., but still.

What do you think?




  1. 2500 is good. You are losing with it even! I need the calories for swimming! Don't let other people say you are eating too much- they are wrong! I use to do a really hard physical job. I ate like 4000 calories a day- and did not gain. So don't worry!

  2. 2500 calories?

    If you continue like this in 2 months you are going to be 150 lbs.

    Seriously - it's really hard to lose weight , and I say it by experience :S

    Cut down 500 calories and good luck swimming. lol. :)

  3. stop  eating before practice. I suggest you cut all food intake by 5/6ths and puke up what little food you ate. Eating like you are us unhealthy before practice. The 2500 calories build up to be straight fat and when u stop swimming youll become lardy after a few days

  4. uh yea thts fine u might even wanna up it to 3000 cuz of all the cals ur burning

  5. It is usually best for girls to eat about 2000 calories a day, try to cut back on dairys, junk food, and sweets and try more vegetables, which provide more energy with less calories. Good Luck!! :D

  6. with all that exercising 2500 calories is not bad. 1400-1500 is a lose weight diet. most normal women your size should eat around 2000 calories per day... and that's non-exercising, normal activity type women. not someone who's working out nonstop like you are. if you're that worried about it then eat healthier foods, cut a couple hundred calories out if you must, but really I think your body is trying to tell you that you're not getting enough to sustain your body.

    calculate your calorie intake here...

  7. If you're at a training camp, they can tell you that you should be eating MORE now than ever.

    Michael Phelps the Olympic swimmer, eats 12,000 calories a day!!!

    He is training for 6 - 10 hours a day so he burns all of those calories!!

    The less exercise you do, the less calories you need.

  8. as long as you keep eating healthy foods you're okay.  you are doing intense exercise daily and your body needs that amount of calories to keep it going.  you sound like you are very food smart so that's good.  talk to your coach(s) if you are still feeling hungry or getting weak perhaps you need a bit more?

    top athletes consume an obscene amount of calories at times!  it was recently reported that michel phelps eats 12000 calories a day just to have the energy to sustain his body during training!

    the important thing is to not eat more than you need.  whenever you finish your camp, resort back to your regular calorie/food intake to avoid putting on extra weight.

    you'll be grand!

  9. omg dont listen to those people who say to stop eating! they dont know what they are talking to! i think you should continue eating 2500 calories if that fills you up through out the day and you like it, also keep swimming! :]

    did you know michael phelps who swims for 8 hours each day plus weight lifting eats an average of 12,000 calories everyday? isnt that just awesome? haha

  10. It's cool as long as you throw up ~45 minutes later.

  11. if you are training that's not bad at all, when I was training at high levels, I was eating 3000 to 3500 calories a day just to sustain my body.

    you are doing a good job and you are not going to gain weight if you are training at that intensity and eating that kind of food, just cut down as the training does.

    you are not going to get fat if you keep up the hard work. the average female needs about 1500 - 2000 calories a day at a regular metabolic rate.

    keep up the amazing work and you are definitely not fat.

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