
Is it that the plants are the key to the oxygen we have??

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Hey I have a qwuestion for you. You know how plants create oxygen? And there are plants everywhere we go? Well if they create oxygen could it be that they are the oxygen bubble around the earth so we can breath? because in space their are no plants so you can't breath so am I right???




  1. Plants are the key to everything on earth if you think about it.

  2. Yes, plants produce the oxygen that we breathe.  Much of it is produced by the rain forests, which are being steadily destroyed by humans encroaching on it and destroying it for more cropland.

  3. Plants dont create oxygen they draw it from the soil. 80% of the

    mass of the earth's crust is oxygen. It is equally abundant in our

    ocean's; which by the way produced the majority of our usable

    oxygen. What we breath is oxygen that is freed from compounds

    and is drifting up into outer space. Alot of it is converted to ozone

    in a reaction with ultra violate rays and remains variously, but it

    gets pretty complicated from there.

  4. trees huh lol

    trees take in carbon deoxcide and create oxagen

    and there is some oxigen in other planets but noone can survive there there is not enoufff

  5. Plants create all of earths oxygen. the amazon rain forest creates 1/3 of EARTHS oxygen

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