
Is it the Democratic Congress fault that our economy is totally FUBAR?

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It's hilarious to think that one man alone can ruin the American economy. If he is to blame, he's not alone.




  1. yes.

  2. Do you really think the Democratic Congress could do that over a period of 2 years?  They are definitely not doing a good job, but to blame the economy on them is a far stretch.  The Democrats do not have enough of a majority to override Presidential vetoes, so they are still at the mercy of Bush's pen.  

    A major factor to the poor ecomony is the business cycle, which rises and falls over a timeline regardless of who is in power.  

    I would personally argue that Bush's irresponsible policies have helped to make this problem more extreme that it would have originally been.  Bush's pro-corporate policies have been attempting to deregulate as much industry as possible, but this is not a good way to operate.  Senator Gramm, one of McCain's economic advisors, lobbyied for UBS to deregulate the mortgage industry, meaning that junk loans could be issued and be supported by more junk loans.  These type of policies are what helped to trigger the Great Depression, but what does Sen. Gramm care, he's making his money?  And now look at what we have happening in the mortgage industry.  Loans were being issued to people who can't really afford them due to Sen. Gramm's lobbying and now we are seeing record foreclosures and a housing industry on the brink.  

    To me the most significant problem lies with George Bush's overall approach to running government.  His wreckless spending and careless approach to economics has created an economy that is far outspending what it is earning.  We are spending money rapidly and running up credit rapidly.  This combination leads to a decrease in the value of the dollar.  If you have $10,000.00 in the bank, but you have $125,000 in debt, are you really doing well?  Foreign investors that lose interest in the dollar turn to oil and gold instead, driving prices of these commodities up while pushing the value of the dollar ever lower.  It is an ugly cycle and unfortunately I do not see anyone in Bush's administration being able to take these matters seriously or bring about any real change.  Even this morning, Bush is speaking about offshore drilling (pure politics, plain and simple) as banks are failing.  It is so tragic because now is the time we are most in need of competent, responsible leadership to solve these problems instead of more political pandering and detachment from reality.  But on the other hand, at least he isn't trying to "fix" this problem since everything he puts his hands on falls to pieces.  He is a true legacy to Herbert Hoover and he is correct, history WILL be the judge of him.

  3. No!  The rich have been taking from us long enough.  They take and take and take.  You cannot sue for anything now, but they get their money.  What a mess, it will been fixed come November.

  4. No. It's the fault of Bush, Cheney, the Republicans, and their oil baron cronies.

  5. That's hilarious! Bush and his cronies are in office, controlling the gov for 6 years unchecked until the dems took control of congress, now all of a sudden it's THEIR fault? God, I really hope you don't actually believe that c**p.

  6. Do you think that Congress can pay off 6 years of record Republican debt in 18 months while we spend $5 billion a week on a needless war and the Reps filibuster a record 73 times?

    Only a Fox veiwer would answer yes.

    BTW the Dems have reduced the deficit by 15% in 18 months even with a shrinking economy.

    Edit: Bush is not to blame alone. The Rep Congress increased spending by 60% in 6 years. And Bush never vetoed a single spending bill.

  7. yep

  8. There's plenty of blame to go around - however, it's worth noting that things were turning sour well before the Dems gained back a majority of Congressional seats...

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