
Is it the evolution theory should be taught in skools even though its bucnh of lies and waste of time?

by  |  earlier

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my english hwk jus need help on it plz ansa




  1. It should be taught as a "theory."  As with all theories, they are "working theories" until another one comes along.  In short, nothing controversial should be taught because it might offend someone.

  2. Science is taught in schools and religion is taught at HOME and CHURCH where it should be. You should look up the complete definition of evolution in order to get a complete understanding, and learn to spell correctly.

  3. well actually evolution is true..our ancestors used to grow as tall as 3-4 feet but now we can grow to 6 some to 7 feet truthfully evolution is true.

  4. Evolution has a lot of information to back it up and it is not a waste of time. Students need to be exposed to a range of issues in order to be well informed and knowledgable.

  5. FIRST of all, learn to spell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. In the interest of free speech, it should be allowed to be taught in our schools.  There is nothing wrong with teaching a theory of scientific belief.  Being a Christian, I do see things in the evolutionary theory that appear to be scientifically true and others are speculation.  And, as many believe that Creationism and The Theory of Evolution are completely in contrast, there are actually some areas that coincide.  I do believe that the Lord did create the heavens, the earth, the sun, the moon, the stars, the waters and all forms of life, including man and woman.  Interestingly enough if you read the Bible closely and study the evolutionary theory closely, you might be surprised what you find...:)

  7. It is not a bunch of lies, nor a waste of time.

    I would hate to have a doctor who believes that bacteria do not change over time. dangerous thinking there.

    It is the basis for the biological sciences, and you are limiting your future unless you learn something about it.

    (work on your spelling and grammar)

  8. Evolution is science. It provides a natural explanation to a natural process. There is a lot of evidence for it, and no legitimate scientist believes otherwise.

    I'm baffled to think that you would dismiss it as "a bunch of lies".

  9. Here's the thing, it should be taught as a scientific theory that obviously has some proof behind it or we wouldn't still be discussing it today. I think it's okay to teach it as long as opinions are left out of the discussion.

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