
Is it the male or the female?

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All most male lions have to do is watch over the pride, mate, eat, and sleep. It is the female that does all the hunting. So why is he the king of the jungle? Don't get me wrong. I love the big cats.




  1. because he can still bite anybody that disagrees.

    It was a writer who claimed a lion the king of the jungle

    they do not have animal elections.

    The elephant may be more qualified ,being more intelligent and having no natural enemy ,

    Apart from their young.

    Hyenas are excessively brave and also very smart .

    they will steal the prey from a lion if they get half a chance

    the male lion is in fact a coward and will run if you make a big noise.

    The females always hunt in groups and are very dangerous this way.

    One hides and the others drive the prey towards the one that is hidden

    they almost got me that way once (when i was working with lions)

    a safari bus saved me .

    Tigers  can be called the king of the Asian jungle ,and they will attack an elephant ,and they do all their hunting alone


  2. i think he looks like a king with his mane  

  3. he looks majestic wtih the mane.  

  4. One thing you can say about male lions-- they're not stupid!!

  5. I think the meaning of "king" is because his mane is similar to the furry capes actual kings used to wear [and some still do for ceremonies]

    He's king because he gets other cats [females] to get his supper for him, otherwise he'd be called "squire".....

  6. In Physical Strength a male Lion is more powerful than a Lioness.A male Lion is very lazy.A  Lioness is very active and agile.Hynas can easily take away the "kill" from a Lioness,but they will run away sighting a male Lion.  

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