
Is it the men who ask the stupidest questions about feminists, the ones most intimated by women's rights?

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Shark: Meant to say intimidated.




  1. You should've began that question with "Are" and minus the "it".

    I suppose you may have a point sweetheart.

  2. I think some the guys in here are asking stupid questions. Like tasting period blood in order to be a feminist?

    I think I just barfed in my mouth thinking about it.

  3. Yes! But, only the mysogonists.

  4. Who said I am intimidated by women's rights? I'm angry with women who demand MORE rights than men, as some sort of payback for all the wrongs done in the past. I'm angry with women who demand rights while avoiding the responsibilities that come hand in hand.

    Why did you thumb me down? Do you have a problem with FACTS?

  5. It's a possibility, but for now, I'm concluding that they've just been horribly misinformed.

  6. I don't think the number of men intimated by women's rights is a large number. However I think what Puma was saying was that there was the times before when women stayed home and the men worked. These times were both advantageous and disadvantageous to both genders. I'm sure there were women that loved staying home and let the man do all the working, just like there were other females that may not have liked it so much. Same for men, maybe the majority was men hated doing all the work while the woman "stays home". Maybe they loved it. Either way the women were seen as the weaker s*x but there were benefits to make up for it. Such as the freedom to not be obligated to work. Let the man bring in the bread. Or the right to be the helpless, victim to which men gave their coat to for protection. The difference in today's world is the women are now equals to males but most don't want to give up the "women benefits". They want to be equals while keeping these benefits. While the men remain with the same benefits they've had since the before times. True males may have picked up some opportunities such as being a stay at home dad, just like the female though. Which means that we split many things 50/50, but on top of that the females have kept their benefits, example the female should not be allowed the 50/50 rule if she chooses to be a stay at home mom. Yet she wants to stay home (women benefit from before) and lay down the rules on financial management (benefit picked up with the 50/50). Example 2, she wants to work and buy her own coat with her own money(50/50 benefit) and have the male pay for the other coat because she thinks it's cute too and why not have both.  Females get the 50/50 + women benefits = more rights than men have. There was a thing called Ladies and Gentlemen before which can describe a person with high conduct standards. Such as giving the coat or pulling chairs, or opening doors. This is not a male being anti-feminist; this is a male being a gentleman; We still have gentlemen in today's world. Where are the females that used to wait for the males to come home with a delicious home-cooked dinner males so much appreciate? Where are the Ladies in today's world?

    Thank you,

  7. probably., it sounds to me like thats why they would ask

  8. Actually its the women who ask the stupidest questions about being pregnant, nobody wanting them, and are always complaining about men.

  9. It seems to be a common theme.

    I think a lot of them are very young, also. Or extremely immature and lacking in social skills.

    A good example is the frequency of very crass comments, terms and phrases of the most vulgar kind, and ideas which are very basic and poorly developed.

    This points to people who get a 'thrill' out of using nasty words and publicly stating nasty ideas, rather like children caught swearing for the first time.

    For most adults, the 'gloss' wears off that type of thing post-adolescence.

    Of course, it's not in all cases, some are obviously provocateurs, while others seem to be pretending to be immature schoolboys in the hope of introducing dissension and promulgating baseless but disturbing stereotypes.

    The ones who pretend to be women are probably just closetted transvestites.

    Cheers :-)

  10. Intimated?

    you mean like women's rights somehow confide in men their deepest thoughts?

    Sure... I guess so.

  11. I think the "men" who ask the stupidest questions about feminists are mostly just showing their maturity for all of us and the ones who ask the truely nasty questions really have serious problems dealing with women and are projecting their insecurity and bitterness here.

    Edit: I'm with Thing but I must point out that most of them are adults. Isn't it sad?

  12. I think some women are just as intimidated by feminism as some men are.  Sometimes more so.  I hear more negative comments about the concept from women, but maybe men don't feel as free to speak up, for fear of being branded as a jerk.  

    Feminism is misunderstood.  But there's not much open dialog about it anymore.  It has a negative connotation, umfortunately, and that limits discussion.

  13. Don't confuse dislike with intimidation.  Just because some one dislike feminism, doesn't mean that they are "intimidated" by them.

  14. Of course not. I'm all about ending women's suffrage.


    Hahaha! I love the thumbs up.

    Suffrage - definition - the right to vote.

    At least someone was paying attention in history class.

  15. Wrong.

    Most men are in favor of women's rights because they have been led to believe that women will also take more of societal responsibilities. Only recently are men waking up to the fact that feminists have no intention of taking more responsibilities and the men are fighting back.

    - - - - -  - - - - -  - - - - -  - - - - -  - - - - -  - - - - -

    Ladies: Be a first class woman, not a second-rate feminst.

  16. The only reason women need to get more rights is because to many men used their women like door mats. So this is my personal opinion as to why the world is going to h**l in a hand basket. Because the shift has begun to swing in the oposite direction from the truth of what life was meant to be. There is no turning back. Most won't understand what I'm saying until its to late which it almost is now.

    I'll close by quoting the infamous words of Neil Peart, "When they turn the pages of history, when these days have passed long ago, will they read of us with sadness, for the seeds that we let grow........."

    I think they will.

  17. Yes. I am most entertained by the boneheads who claim feminists have too many rights now or demand more rights than men - this is ridiculous and not one of 'em can give an example.  And the feminist-hating s****s who post the nastiest, most hate-filled vitriol you can possibly imagine about imaginary wrongs committed by feminists against them.  This is pure bullshit, you know.  In the real world, men and women live and work together and feminism isn't an issue.

  18. Wow you sound bitter.

  19. The majority of men who ask stupid questions about feminists fear women's rights as they are afraid they will "lose" their rights if women gain their rights. But then again-some of the men asking stupid questions are just plain stupid.

  20. NO

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