
Is it the parents fault if their daughter turns out to be a stripper?

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Is it the parents fault if their daughter turns out to be a stripper?




  1. No.

  2. it's the fault of the parents and the daughter. no one can be responsible enough for one's action except himself/herself

  3. ummm- i dont see anything wrong with strippers.... I would think the parents maybe didnt go a great job teaching morals and values...

    I LOVE STRIPPERS--- most of them are kinda sleep around too :)

  4. ppl strip for different reasons....and most ppl who strip do it because they have to, not by choice.

  5. Not in the slightest, she became a stripper for her own reasons and nothing to do with her parents upbringing, just a choice she made

  6. no everyone has the right to choose their own destiny.

  7. No. You are responsible for your own actions and consequences. Blaming someone else is only an excuse to cover your own failings.

  8. strippers are good, more young women should be taught that stripping is the way to get through life!

  9. Yes. Because they didn't make sure the daughter would get the education needed to have a better job.

  10. No. It's not your fault at all.

    If she's old enough to strip, then she's old enough to make her decisions!

    It's also a good way to make a fast buck! Just because she strips does not mean anything else is going on. Not every stripper is a hooker on top of it.

  11. no, i dont believe that.. you can teach your kids right from wrong and all the things in between, but when they reach the legal age their going to do what they want anyways and its not the parents fault... as it goes with everyone and anyone, you can talk to your kids till your blue in the face but its up to them to do the right thing.

    parents should not blame themselves.

  12. What has this to do with Local Businesses in Mexico, I need to ask?

    Since the parents, presumably, gave their daughter an education and an upbringing, I suppose that they had some effect on her choice of career. "No man is an island", after all.

    She may have become a stripper, though, as a reaction to a too-strict upbringing. Or she may have become one because she wanted to 'experience life'. Or she may have seen it as a way out of poverty. In other words, while parents hope that their daughters will see life as they do, daughters are a different generation and their own people.

    Parents are responsible for bringing children into the world and giving them the best upbringing they know how to do but, in the end, their child is a separate person and the parents cannot be wholly accountable for what that person becomes.

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