
Is it the religious nature of America that causes us to use "Faith" as an excuse for doing the most bizarre---

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things? And I am not thinking of the mormons with pre-teen brides, although they are an example.

There are others who have faith in "Politics", and will do whatever other conservatives or other liberals do, without studying each and every issue for its value.




  1. Heh, this isn't faith, dude.  This is just plain old ignorance.  I've seen it in Christians, Muslims, Atheists, and everyone else.  Most use some form of faith to justify it, whether it's religious faith or just faith in a cause (or faith in some bizarre thing they believe about the universe).

    All countries have these people, though it seems as if American culture cultivates it to more of an extreme.  I don't know why that is, but like I said I wouldn't even begin to say it's only in one group or another.  You're using the term religious faith because there's a lot of fundamentalist Christians in our culture now, but I've found just as high a percentage of atheists, liberals, conservatives...The stupid is everywhere.

  2. It's a convenient excuse, not a belief they hold. They don't want to do the right thing by their religion, just hide behind it for they are weak.

  3. those pionners ransacked the indian lands in the name of faith in order to 'educate' the injuns with guns and cannons....

  4. All religions are hypocritical.

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