
Is it the starter on my fiero?

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I've been driving my 88 fiero w/ a 2.5L 4tech standard for a little over a week now. I started having problems with intermittent starts earlier today. At first, if I merely pressed the clutch pedal down further, it would start w/ no problem. Now, I'm lucky if it starts at all. Could the clutch pedal be bent such that I can't depress it far enough, or is my starter all but dead? Any tips on determining which problem it actually is?




  1. Well, now, this is where we do a little thing called diagnosis.  You'll need to look at the clutch switch yourself, and determine for yourself what the problem is there.  Then you'll need to get a volt meter and make sure that electricity is going through the clutch switch.  In fact, you might just jumper the darn thing temporarily and see if that solves your problem.

    The deal with the starter is this:  If the starter GETS ELECTRICITY and fails to operate, it's screwed up.  So the key to diagnosing a starter is to know if you've energized it yet.

  2. I would check the battery and charging system as well.

  3. i got this. i drive a 86 firebird 5 spd. on the clutch peddle there is a neutral safety switch. you can adjust it. if you want to make sure its that unplug the switch and put a paper clip connecting the two terminals. try and start the car. if the switch is fine i would suspect the starter or the ignition switch. hope this helps!

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