
Is it thrifty to use spiral fluorescent bulbs?

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It seems as though we have been changing our spiral bulbs at least as often as our old incandesent bulbs. The spiral bulbs are more expensive but we are told they use less electricity to put out the same amountof light as an incandescent of equal wattage. Publicity says they last longer. Are they really "green"? or economical? What is your experience?




  1. Yes, they last longer and use a lot less energy, which is why I use them in most of my lights.  HOWEVER, I don't particularly like them better because they take a little while to warm up, and therefore, the room doesn't get as bright as I'd like immediately.  But I'm willing to live with this in order to conserve energy and do my part.  As we all should.

  2. They are greener than incandescent and certainly last longer...  however, there is the mercury factor if they break.

    The other thing is that LED bulbs will probably win out for longest lasting and greenest in the end.  They just haven't hit the market yet.

  3. Since you are changing out the bulbs often, it sounds like the sockets need to be changed, or the light switches and maybe some wiring. If the house is over 20 years old and you live in an area without good building codes, it could also be a fire hazard. It would be a good idea to hire an electrician. When the sockets and wiring are bad,incandescent bulbs burn out fast, in fact, they pop when the switch is turned on.

    We have been using the spiral florescent bulbs several years now. Our house is big enough for 2 families. In fact we had 2 households here for awhile. The only time a bulb hasn't worked is when a grand kid has been aiming targets at the ceiling. We've even had some fall on the carpet and still work.

  4. yes! they have been proven to be less expensive on your electric bill than regular light bulbs! try em'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... thel work like a charm! supercatbinx:)

  5. mine seem to last forever...idk. However, as far as "green" goes keep in mind that flourescent light bulbs contain mercury, and you can't just throw them in the trash like normal lightbulbs. your town proabably sponsors a toxic-materials collection day where you can bring the old CFL's.

  6. Yes. They use less energy and they look cool, also they last a lot longer, so you save electric costs, and you save money buying lightbulbs.

  7. so far yes

  8. I've used the same flourescent bulbs for over 2 years and they're still as good as they were when I first turned them on.  I got my originals from Ikea.  The newer ones I've purchased were the GE brand, I believe.  Those were purchased just this year and they're just fine.  I can't say what will happen but I haven't had bad experiances yet.  My whole house is lit with compact flourescent bulbs.

  9. Yes! They are thrifty!

    They are called CFLs,

    and use a lot less energy & $$$!

  10. They are really green.  They use a lot less electricity and have tested to last longer.  I can't say for certain with yours.  But even if they last only as long as a regular bulb, you'll still save eklectricity.  And a lot of elitricity providers are offering subsidized bulbs whih makes them about as cheap as regular incandesent bulbs.  Have fun!

  11. We've had ours in the kitchen last 6 years so far...I was suprised. The packaging said it would last "up to 5 years"...We've beat that!

    I recommend them. That's my opinion.I also noticed a huge drop in our bill as well.

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