
Is it time for Americans to start acting like Americans and defend the Constitution?

by  |  earlier

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Who agrees that there should be a stand up day, and bombbard the white house with billions of emails for a free America, and demand that wasteful spending, ambigous laws be done away with, and/or be adjusted and presently applied to the building of abundant lives without oppression, to do away with propaganda, to support and encourage honesty and unity without covertness?




  1. We can't wait to assemble, just start writing your Reps while planning. We are in jeopardy see:

  2. You give yourself away when you say we should bombard the "white house" ... A person truly interested in cleaning up the country and returning to the Constitution (that has been virtually ignored for 100 yrs) would not have stated the White House but would have included CONGRESS as well

  3. But that would mean the years spent "dumbing down" of the education system and gradual enslavement of the American people would go to waste.

  4. Sounds good if not being sarcastic. United Nations sent billions of emails also plan to show support fo strong U.N. South America might not be able to help for reason of monetary troubles but size could account for something.  Motto Any nation which fights The U.N. fights The World.  With a strong United Nations there will never  be another World War for the reason the slogan states. An equal system what United Nations stands for no political bias when a nation attacks human rights is duty to intervene. No nation to be more powerfull than another is purpose of U.N. as people know. Not nuclear weapons but strong equal U.N. which shows promise of peace. If not contradictorystatement.

  5. It is way past time for this. However, there is little that we can do about it due to the fact that it will be what they want it to be and nothing more. It is what helps them, not what benefits all citizens anymore.

  6. Good job and well said!

    I agree with you completely!

    Suggested reading

    The Award winning "Death of Democracy: The Eroision of Freedom Doctrine of the Second American Revolution"

    by J.C. Jake Laughton and available on Amazon

  7. To quote our President, George W. Bush....."The Constitution? It's just a da*n piece of paper."

    If we allow our President to say something like this without reprisals, how could we expect anyone else to defend it? After all he did swear "To protect and defend The Constitution of the United States". What a serious joke this Bush presidency!

  8. You may cause George W to invade his own country if you don't agree with his views.

  9. we HAVE to! Bush has pretty much shredded it. the first thing a constitutional president I.s: RON PAUL needs to do is place Howard Stern head of the FCC.

  10. I am all for it, you are not alone.  But, for some reason, in this "Christian Nation" all anyone seems concerned about is getting everyone converted to their religions.  Because that is the new wave of bible won't get into heaven unless you "spread the word and convert others"  We say we are a "Christian Nation" but all we do is hate each other unless you are another Christian.  That is why your  dreams are dying.  People aren't  being Christian and loving and doing away with the oppression, the wasteful spending, the wars and the other positive things you mention above .  They don't like the Constitution because it does not make protestant Christianity the religion of this Nation.  They don't like the constitution because it contradicts the bible.

  11. All great replies!

    Past time.  

    We're in a constitutional crisis.  

    The founding fathers warned against what we are seeing now.

    Orwell would even be shocked by this nonsense.

    Crazyhorse makes a hugely valid point.  All part of the plan.

    Read "The Unseen Hand" by Ralph Epperson.

  12. If only that could happen. We would all be better off for it..

  13. I have just been going over the declaration of Independence and the constitution documents and I agree that something needs to be done. what exactly to do is the question at hand.

    In talking to others on this forum and others across the net I have heard allot of different Ideas. yours is not the only suggestion. I urge you and everyone that reads this response to read article 2 section 1 of the constitution and the declaration of Independence. If you agree that these are not being upheld in our fair country I encourage you to contact your local and federal governments and tell them what you think.this information can be found in any phone directory or on the net.

  14. You know we put all these but heads in office and have allayed them to do just about anything they want to try and get away with.  It is going to take all of us with a vote to get them out of office and start working on making the people that we put in office to answer to us and not the groups that pay to get them in office.

  15. Exactly whose interpretation of the US Constitution should we act on - yours?

    What are your credentials in Constitutional Law?  Why should we listen to your opinions of what the US Constitution means?

    BTW - are you proposing that you change the government through means not specified in the US Constitution?  (If so - how can you claim any loyalty to that document?)

  16. HA!

    Nothing is perfect, not even the US constitution.

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