
Is it time for Geiko to retire the cave men?

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  1. YES, PLEASE!!!!  Sick of them from day one!

  2. Yes, they drive me nuts. The first ones were funny, now they are just getting silly. Stick with the gecko.

  3. YEEESSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!

    he is annoying and stupid and driving me insane!!!!

  4. Yea...I'm getting tired of seeing that.  THey need a new creative update for it.

  5. no because i still find them hilarious. i would like to request another commercial of the caveman dancing! cracks me up.  

  6. It's WAY past time for the cavemen to be retired, or shot, or anything!  It was funny for about a week.  After that it became ridiculous!  To think they actually tried to make a television show about them?!  Cancel really good or even moderately good shows for that!?  It must've been a drunk moment on somebody's part!  

  7. yes, the whole caveman thing is so stupid & annoying..

  8. I'm gonna tell you, I am sick to death of that stupid caveman c**p. Whenever one of those ignorant commercials come on TV, I have to change the channel! Especially that one of him in the airport carrying a tennis racket with that old creepy music playing and he sees that sign. Yuck!!!!

  9. Yes it is old, and it is not even funny anymore, like the beach one where she lifts up her shirt, and he is looking at the airplane, wtf. I don't get it, they seriously need to retire the cave men bit!!

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