
Is it time for a Intervention?

by  |  earlier

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A close friend of mine has a sister that has attempted suicide, keeps going back to a abusive boyfriend, talks about wanting to die, doing drugs and we can't get her in treatment because she refuses. Does anyone have any advice? She is so young (21 years old)




  1. ya definitely ; its time for interevne ; someone who attempts suicide must be helped

    plz answer mine:;...

  2. Hmm, I'd say sit down and have a talk with her about your concerns (If you havent already) And if that doesnt work then try to get her to see a councellor/therapist so maybe they can work out her problems or give her medication.

  3. intervene but carefully. those who don't want to help themself will suffer even more. if she doesn't want to help herself and u force an intervention on her, ur giving her yet another reason to committ suicide. she needs to be ready, or someone needs to prepare her in subtle ways.

  4. Sometimes there are strange approaches necessary to get someone to recognize the damages they are continually dealing with. Approach her with support and love. Unfortunately, it often takes the abused realizing for themselves that life is passing them by. You know your friend and her sister best. Think about approaches that would still shout out caring rather than fear. Best wishes to her family.

  5. She can be admitted by a family member in some states for a psych evaluation. It will force her hand to either accept help or refuse it. I have seen this type of situation before and in most cases it has helped. Hopefully, it will at least help her to realize that she needs help. However, if she still refuses help, there is not much that you can do to help someone that does not want it.

    Good luck

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