
Is it time for me to get rid of my dog?

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He has eaten

-oakley sunglasses ($160)

-knocked glass dishes off the counter and ate the broken glass along with the food in them. ( had to go to the vets at midnight 2 hours away. $100 vet feel)

-my cell phone($150)

-amazing high heals that i LOVED ($100)

-A door ($40)

-And his dog cage($60)

-His dog bed ($35)

-every single toy we buy him he eats and destroys in like 10mins (at least $100)

and i'm sure i'm missing somethings but that right there is $745

i'm NOT made of money people! :(

And he's eating the trash 100 million times

He can never be left without the risk of him destroying things in my house.

I got him from a shelter a few months ago. He's a 1 and 1/2 year old yellow lab. I hate to get rid of him, but he's doing too much damage. :(

All thoughts are welcome.




  1. Invest in a trainer.

  2. Its not the dog...its you!!!

    train him better!!!!!!

    ADD: love him as much as you can, you never know when he will be gone!!


    Whiskey River (4-25-01...9-1-08)


    Cowboy (10-28-07....9-1-08)

    you will always be in my thoughts and prayers...


  3. Yeah, it can be expensive, but all dogs have a price tag, I just think he needs to be well trained! Petsmart has training classes. Keep him outside in a fenced in backyard when you are gone, discipline him!!! Training him will do the trick!

  4. Have you thought about oh I don't know some obedience classes? hiring a trainer?

  5. You need a good dog trainer..... and a sturdier kennel.

  6. You could try a few different things before getting rid of getting him professionally trained,buying antichew from the pet shop its not expensive and when you spray it on things dogs dont even think of chewing them..or you could just confine him to a part of the house where theres nothing to chew and have him outside to exercise and stuff..good luck.

  7. How about the obvious answer, behavioural training?

    Hire a one-on-one behaviourist. You rehomed this dog, if you can't deal with the responsibility then yes it is only fair that you take him back to the shelter to find a forever home but giving up on this dog because you failed to train him is awful for him.

  8. Welcome to pet ownership.  Through thick and thin.  Here's some tips:

    Keep sunglasses in your purse, put away in your room, or a closet.  Keep glasses/dishes off of the counter, either in the dishwasher, or the cupboard.

    Keep the cell phone with you, or put away.

    Keep shoes shut in a closet, safe on the floor.  Or even in your bedroom, but keep your door shut.

    Get a crate that isn't destructable, look into secure wire.

    If he's going to chew up beds, then he doesn't get one.  Period.

    Dogs love to destroy their toys.  Go to the Goodwill and get stuffed animals for CHEAP.  Remove plastic eyes, and tags.  Tada!

    Keep the trash in a secure location.  Under the sink, with baby locks on the cabinets.  Or, outside the back door in an enclosure (to keep away pests).

    Damage is something YOU control, so you need to control the situations.  It's like having a small child.  You have to take precautions to keep them safe.  This pup is no different.

    Also, make sure he's getting out and running!  Walks, and off leash romps are great.  A tired dog, is a happy dog, and he will not bother amusing himself with destructive behaviors.

  9. sounds like you should use your money to get the dog a psychologist to find out why he behaves the way he does.

  10. its called a crate and a couple walks a day sweetheart.

  11. Have you kept track of the amount of money you've spent on training him?

    If you put as much effort into training him as you did pricing the stuff he's destroyed, you might have a well-behaved dog.

    Just a thought.

  12. Number ONE, do not leave stuff around the house unattended so he can get them.  If you have something expensive do not leave it where he can get it!  So far you have caused yourself all of these expenses, not him.  He's just a puppy and clearly needs training, so invest in that.  You are good for adopting a shelter dog, but keep in mind he is just a puppy and they all need training and extra attention!

  13. I think its time to adopt your dog to a loving home. And time for you to never have an animal again.

  14. How much training have you and your dog been to? How many miles a day do you walk your dog? You didn't say how much you have spent on dog bones. Dogs take a lot of work and knowledge, if you are not willing to learn and train your dog, then it might be time to get rid of your dog.

  15. What if your parents got rid of you because you threw up on stuff to much?

    Give him to a loving home, and please don't ever get another animal.

  16. your best bet might be to invest in a trainer, but trainers are expensive. so be careful. try to discipline your dog yourself. be assertive to the dog let it know that when he eats things that it shouldn't it is wrong. don't hit the dog, i'm just saying show the dog how things are to be done in your home. you must be assertive to the dog, show him who the boss is.if you have to yell at him, then yell.n be sure that the dog knows when he is being wrong.

    if  you just can't seem to get through to the dog and he continues to destroy valuable things, you may have to give it up.

    good luck with the dog

  17. You don't get rid of a dog just because he ate your stuff. What you should have done was dog proof the house before you got him. What you must now do is teach him not to destroy your things. Keep dangerous things away from him and out of his reach. By letting him get to these things you are putting his LIFE in danger. It's up to You to keep an eye on hims and TRAIN him. If you can't do that, you should not have a dog.

    If you are not willing to take the time to train him properly, then you should find him a better home. By taking him back (if possible) or search for a rescue organization that accepts his breed.

  18. crate train him, every time you leave the house or can't watch him crate him.

  19. Labs are extremely intelligent and as working dogs, they are highly trainable. You just need to teach him what is appropriate behavior and what is not. The most important thing for now is not to leave him to roam about freely when you are not around to supervise. Either crate him or put him in a long-term enclosure.

    When you are home, here are some things that may help:

    1. Always put a drag lead on him. Use a light lead, and clip off the loop at the end so it doesn't catch on anything. Make sure to use a flat collar and not a training collar. When you dog does something inappropriate, non-mark him (ack, ack) and stop him. For example if he jumps on you, turn away; if he gets on the furniture, use the lead to get him down. If he chews on something he shouldn't, redirect him onto a toy.

    2. Time-out. If your dog continues with his bad behavior after you have told him to stop, then say "time-out" and remove him to a time-out area (a safe but boring room, e.g. laundry room). Leave him in there for a couple of minutes and let him out. If he starts up again, non-mark him (ack, ack), and say time-out and put him back in time-out. This time lengthen the duration to about 10-15 minutes. Note that if your dog stops the bad behavior, make sure to praise him a lot and give him good treats. Keep this up and your dog will learn that certain behaviors get him rewards while others get him into a boring room with nothing to do.

    3. NILIF program. A great way to establish yourself as leader is through the control of resources. Don't give anything to your dog (including pets and affection) unless he does something for you first. For example ask him for a "sit" before you give him food, toys, or freedom.

    4. Obedience training. Try and do some obedience training sessions everyday. Enroll in a class or get a good positive reinforcement obedience book, and practice with him for short sessions (10-15 minutes) every day. This will help establish you as a leader, improve your bond with your dog, exercise your dog's mind, and give you good tools that you can use to help control him in the house.

  20. No, its time for you to pick up your things, enroll in an obedience class, and exercise, exercise, and more exercise for your dogs.

    Labs are smart high energy dogs and without the proper physical and mental stimulation they will literally eat your house.

    A tired dog is a good dog.

  21. Have you thought of a crate in the house. Keep the trash out of reach.

    Your Lab needs trained or give him to someone who will train him.

  22. No, it's not time to get rid of the dog.  It's time for you to get a maid or pick up after yourself.

    If you know that your dog eats things, why are you leaving your stuff out?  

    None of this is the dog's fault - it's yours.  

    You need to get a trainer, and a clue.  

  23. He sounds bored. He needs physical and mental stimulation.

    Investing $745 in training would have prevented most of this

    I'm not sure you're ready for this though. They take time and commitment as well as money.

    In all honesty he is not being a bad dog - he is being a bored frustrated dog. With careful handling and training all the problems you mention can be erased. It is not his fault

    As for items like the sunglasses - if I could afford to pay that much in the first place - I would have made d**n sure they were put away out of his reach. Same with the shoes and cell phones - once you've trained the dog - then training for you on how to put things away

  24. simple, hes bored. he is still a pup and will be teething... by the sounds of it he has no stimulus and basic training.. never buy a dog expensive toys. its a waste of money the only person getting gratification is you. give him marrow bones to chew on, and a second hand bowling ball that he can roll around the back yard. yes a bowling bowl... gives the dog great excercise and he cant fit his month around it to chew so has to push it. they love it. entertaining to watch as well. their is no such thing as dog proofing a house, besides the fences. the dog will learn to move around the house feely as you. give him discipline and stimulas and you should have a healthy long term relationship.

  25. He can be trained....but can you?

    He obviously needs some stimulation and some training.  He needs a good power walk at least twice a day and he needs a job.  Put a backpack on him for the walks, it makes him think he is doing a job. He can carry your water.

    Labs are working animals and when they don't have something to do they get into trouble.  You have a very smart dog who need a JOB.

    It means you will need to spend time training him and it can be work but rewarding work. As you see him learn you will be so proud of him and yourself.  

    See web site of Cesar Millan

    This format is not good to get into details but rest assured he can be taught which items in the house belong to you and which are his and he can learn to leave them along.

    And remember too that at 1 1/2 is is still a teenager and you know what good decision they make.

    If you love him, don't get rid of him, give him the attention he so desperately needs.

    Try this one exercise.  Using your body and extended hand and a sharp short noise (no repeating of the command or his name) Just calmly and aggressivly keep him away from an item that you don't want him to bother (or even the front door when the door bell rings). BLOCK HIM.  Keep him back from the item 3 to 5 feet, wait and if he approaches it again, using your body and you body language block him again.  Keep this up until he goes back and sits or lays down. Practice with several items in the floor and teach him which items are to be left alone. You will be surprised how fast he will get the message.

    When he obays and is good praise him and give him petting or treats

  26. It's called Training.. You should try it sometime..

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