
Is it time for my hamster to get out of his cage yet?

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well, I got my hamster 2 weeks ago. I started to call her out by name then gently rubbing her back then picking her up. Is this a good way to pick her up? Also, how do I know when my hamster wants to get out of her cage?




  1. My hamster came out of her cage the very first night I got her.  All I did was open the door and she crawled right out.  Now since I switched her to a 10 gallon glass tank she was sit up on her hind legs and look at me with those sweet little eyes of hers.  Thats her way of letting me know she wants out to play.

  2. u can try, but i recommend u to wait at least few more weeks before you do. make use of this time to establish the bonding, play with her everyday. spend time and call her name gently.

    another way to carry her is to curve your hands so that it forms a cup and gently lift your hamster up. dun bring it too high up as they will be frightened.

    they will always bite something or circle around the cage. then again, hamsters are ever-wanting to get out of the cage.

    Last but not least, if u do let her out, stay close to her so that you can supervise and monitor her movements. it is tough to catch a hamster since they could run very fast.  

    hope this is helpful  

  3. i had a hamster. i just kind of rolled him to his side and picked him up, but i would say that a perfect way to pick her up. if she seems to be climbing all around her cage with her fingers and everything i would say she would want to come out for a while.  

  4. when she starts trying to poke her head outta the cage bars or crawl outa the cage then she wants to get out

  5. to pick up a hamster, you gently pinch the extra skin on the back of the hamsters neck. and a good way to take the hamster out is to put it in a ball and let it run around the house.

  6. i think it's not time for your hamster to be out of his cage.. if you let your hamster out of it's cage I am sure that it will be a total disaster because once a pet was put to cage and you let it out it will never come to you even if you called it's name plus it will hide to some place you couldn't reach. That happen to me before... if you want a pet that you could be free, don't cage it and have patience because pets are very unpredictable

  7. they always want to get out of their cages because hammies are sneaky con artists but they are so cute but yah always watch them because I swear hamsters will faster than a olympic track star when they see their freedom and buy cage coverings to put over their cage because they will use their water bottles to climb out. Yeah that's a good way besides if hammy doesn't like it hammy will tell you by biting the h-e double hockey sticks out of your finger lol but they are really cute and furry and funny. Put an excerise wheel in their cage so they don't get fat too  

  8. I have attached my hamster taming guide for your reference. Hope it helps you wit handling and bonding with your hamster.

    Guide to taming hamsters -

    Taming your hamster can be a long process, don't expect your hamster to suddenly like be handled over night. It can take weeks or even months depending on the hamster. Here the the steps to handling a hamster -

    STEP 1 - When you first get your hamster leave it alone for the first 2 - 3 days to let it get used to it's new cage and surroundings. If you pick him up on the first day itself, he will definitely bite you since you are a stranger to him.

    STEP 2 - Once the hammy seems comfortable in his new cage, start talking to him softly and hang around his cage enough for him to get used to your voice and smell. After this time feed your hamster some treats from your hand so he get used to seeing your hand. This might take a few days to happen but be patient. If you feel that the hamster still bites you, you can use gloves initially.

    PRECAUTION - always interact with the hamster only when he is active. If you touch him or disturb him when he is sleeping, he can get angry and bite viciously.

    STEP 3 - Once your hamster seems confident with taking treats out of your hand you can try to start handling your hamster. Before you handle your hamster make sure you have washed your hands well. Hamsters have a strong sense of smell. If they smell something on your hand they may mistake it for food and decide to bite!

    Get a cup or something similar and place it into the hamster's cage. He should come to investigate and crawl inside. Take the hamster and cup out of the cage and let him walk out onto your hand. While you do this make sure you're sat down or sat close to the floor incase your hamster decides to jump. Let him walk from hand to hand. Be careful you don't grab or wrap your hands around your hamster until he is fully tame as this may scare him and he will jump out of your hand.

    STEP 4 - Once your hamster is more confident with you, you can start to pick up your hamster straight from it's cage. Just make sure your hamster is aware that you are there, if not you may suddenly scare the hamster and it may turn around and bite you.

    Best way to hold hamsters is to make them climb into one hand and cupping the other hand softly over the body so that his head pokes out from the gap between your two hands. Remember, do not apply any pressure on his body, he will get scared and snap at you.

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