
Is it time for the royal family to go and what would replace them?

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Is it time for the royal family to go and what would replace them?




  1. I don't think that the royal family should go, it's an important part of this country's heritage and creates good revenue when visitors like to come see buckingham palace were the queens lives and all that.

    But if they were to go, they should be replaced by the cast of the Royle Family (check out my picture).

  2. We already elect a Prime Minister (well, not directly but you know what I mean) & half of us cannot be bothered to turn up to vote ! So I think an elected President is out of the question... how about the PM appointing a celebrity President ? Someone like Bruce Forsythe or Cilla Black ? Someone harmless & with a few years behind them ?

  3. I think they should go and be replaced with a herd of sheep from the Lake District and/or a prominent member of Islamic Jihad chosen at random by television vote.

  4. Yes please!!! Take them far far away, they are nothing but a pain in the ****, theyre probably the biggest spongers in this country.  Do to them what the russians did to theyre own royal family.

  5. No,  come what may,  we have had a royal family, good and bad for centuries and i would prefer them to a President anyday. Bad enough being stuck with the  government we have.

  6. The royals are part of our heritage, how can you just get rid of them. Like them or loathe them, they bring in a lot of tourism and they are part of our society

  7. Sure, go ahead replace them. George Bush will be out of office in less than two years. You could have him as a replacement. Suddenly they don't look so bad, do they?

  8. No its not time for the Royal Family to go and as for what would replace them I shudder to think.

    "President Blair" probably.  Argh! No thanks.

    Those who object so much to the Royals should go and live in America.   Then you wouldn't have to be a "subject".

    And I'm with "A True Gentleman".  I'd trust the Queen to run this country far more than I would trust a bunch of two faced, backhander-hungry, lying, self-serving, greedy politicans.

  9. Yes. and hopefully replaced by nothing unlike the last time they were tossed. We have a system of government and a society that not only doesn't need them, but for the past 800 years would be better off without them.

    And as far as tourism goes, wouldn't it be a better view of the palaces we and our parents etc paid for if we could actually get inside and see it ?

    Are you guys seriously suggesting the Royal family are a tourist attraction??

    No one visits the palace at Versailles in France then as they don't have a King ???

    GET A GRIP!! if we decided to live like them THEIR armed forces and THEIR police would have us dead or in prison.

    Fu*k 'em, The Royal family is nothing more than an expensive historical reminder that crime pays as long as you think big enough and steal a country.

  10. NO!!!

  11. My family is willing and quite able to take over.  We particularly like the idea of all that non-earned income, kudos and respect.  Time?  Right now is OK by us.

  12. We should keep the Royal Family and do away with our filthy, self-serving politicians. I'd rather the queen, who has devoted her life to service of this country ran the place, instead of that stinking piece of feculence, Gordon Brown and his whole New Labour cabinet.

  13. If the Royal family were to go, I do not know what if anything would replace them.

    However, what I do know for sure is that Buckingham Palace and other royal residences would be converted into flats/apartments that look just like all the others that have gone up this past decade

  14. Its time for the royal family to go.  They have not relevance in the 21st century.  i am sick of hearing the c**p about them being good for tourism.  France doesn't have a royal family and  they do not have a problem getting tourists.

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