
Is it time for underwear?

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My son will be 2 this month, and will regularly go p**p on the potty about once a day. He has just recently started peeing on the potty in the last few days. He will still p**p and pee in his diaper, but Im wondering if putting him in underwear will help him decrease this sooner because he will get dirty. (he hates when anything is dirty) Or should I try pull ups. I feel like having him in a diaper or pullups he knows that they are for him to go to the bathroom in. When I tell him that we dont go potty in our diaper, we go on the toilet I feel like he thinks to himself "no mom, thats what a diaper is for". So, whats the next step? I realize that underwear will come with a few messes, but would that be best?




  1. i would start with pull-up's  

  2. Pull-Ups are expensive diapers for people who can't add, and do nothing special for the child. Their utility is with slightly older kids who don't want to wear a "baby diaper", but won't have access to a toilet (long drives, in an airplane, etc). Otherwise going from a diaper to a Pull-Up is really just switching a cheaper diaper for a more expensive one.

    Nevertheless, it sounds like he is probably ready for the switch to underwear. You can keep a few Pull-Ups or diapers handy for the aforementioned road trips or other times when you can't get him to the potty in time; but don't use them often - only for special trips. Otherwise it will be somewhat confusing ("one day a diaper, one day underwear, what should I do?")

    If he is ready, go for it. If he fails badly and just gets upset, no harm in just going back to diapers for a month and then trying again. As for the messes, don't make a big deal out of them. Have him help you clean up, be patient, and he'll be a master of the potty in no time.


  3. I think you should still move up to pull ups before underwear. they make a pull up that you can feel the pee and if he doesn't like the feeling then he won't like peeing in his pull up. I think it's way too early for regular underwear until he gets better at using the toilet.

  4. Pull ups feel just like diapers and they are expensive. I would try underwear first, make him feel like a big boy.

  5. I'd say have him wear underwear when your home and if your going somewhere have him wear the pull ups or when hes sleeping.

  6. Why don't you try pullups but tell them they are underwear?  How will he know they are different if he hasn't worn underwear before?  Then when he's ready for really undies - tell him that they are the "big boy" underwear like daddy wears.

  7. a lot of ppl say to just get rid of diapers and use undies...tell him no more diapers..they're for babies and ur a big boy

    encourage several bathroom trips during the day, limit fluids before bedtime...get a waterproof mattress pad

  8. I don't think he'll know the difference.  Tell him he is doing so well that you got some practice underwear.  Obviously, it's always easier at home, and going out somewhere that you can't find a bathroom immediately or you are in the opposite side of the store, etc. is the real test!

  9. i think you should buy him pull ups and see how that goes then if he is to smart for them try daughter will be two in september..she only pees on the potty so when she turns 2 I'm going to try pull ups...but hes kind of past that you should buy the pull ups and say these are big boy pants for little men who go poopy and pee pee on the potty..and see what happens...maby take him to the store with you when you go to buy them..if he doesn't want them or shows you that that's not going to work mommy...then go to where the underwear are and tell him that if he wears these he has to go on the potty all the time...good luck hope this helps...

  10. Yes, if he hates being dirty and he wears underwear, he will likely train much faster. It is more uncomfortable to have wet underwear than a wet/messy diaper, so he will probably do better with the underpants.

  11. My son is 2.5 years old and big boy underpants were a huge part of improving his consistency with training.  We have never pushed him to train, which I think is key.  My husband bought a potty a month before  his second birthday after I casually said one day,"You know, he's been telling us when he's needed his pants changed lately and he's dry when he gets up from his nap.  They're signs he'll be ready to potty train soon."  I giggled at his impetuousness, but to my surprise my son took an interest right away.  It was more like a game for a couple of months... sit on the potty, wait until something comes out and Mommy will read me stories and give me a sticker & praise.  While he was in this phase we kept him in regular diapers because they're cheaper than pull-ups and he had no consistency.  

    As he got more frequent, we explained big boy/girl pants, showing him Mommy's waistband and Daddy's waistband and explaining that all big kids and grownups wear underpants.  A friend gave us a DVD (POTTY POWER) that really drove home that fact. Then when he started to tell us he actually had to go, not just when he wanted a sticker, we knew he was ready for boy pants.  We bought one case of pullups for night time and for long trips away from home and 4 packs of underpants.  The first week he had a couple of accidents but after that he has been fine for the most part.  The only accidents he has had since then have really been my fault for not realizing that when he's having fun and is distracted (like at a party or Chuck E Cheese's) I have to make him go or else he'll wait too long. Since he's dry most mornings and we're out of pullups, we're now trying for big boy pants overnight.

    If you think he's ready to tell you when he has to go, then go with underpants.  But be prepared for accidents and remember not to be mad at him for them, he's still learning and earlier than most boys at that!  Good luck!

  12. I would start with pull ups. Until you know he is not going to go anywhere but the potty you should start there. This is the next step up to underwear. It will save you the washing and frustrations that you may encounter if he moves to underwear too soon. Congratulations on getting him started so early!

  13. If your ready to commit fully to potty training, then I would go straight to underwear.

    Pull-ups feel like diapers, and he will more than likely use them as diapers.

    I think 2 years is a bit young, especially for a boy.  But a few boys are ready at 2 years old.

    It will be messy.  Just make sure that YOU are ready to potty train.  It's a lot of extra work, and a lot of frustration.  It's confusing to put him back into diapers after you've already started potty training.

    Good Luck ~

  14. oh I hate pull ups, except for at night. Your son is very young but he sounds like he is ready to me! I would for sure skip the pull ups, they really are not much different than diapers. If he hates feeling dirty then he sure will hate pooping in his underwear (we hope!). That is how my sons school does potty training, at a certain point, when he was three, they said bring him to school in underwear and bring spares, and for the first week I did more laundry than I could have ever imagined, but I think it takes much less time than using pull ups. I think you'll be more successful going without them. good luck! and remember he is still young for the average potty trained boy so dont push him too hard or he might revert back to all diapers.  

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