
Is it time to act. fuel is getting to expense. soon people will start robbing fuel out are cars.act now?

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Is it time to act. fuel is getting to expense. soon people will start robbing fuel out are cars.act now?




  1. Start robbing?  Where have you been?  People were stealing gas when I was a kid and it was only 50 cents a gallon.

    The market is self correcting.  Once we get the politicians to quit trying to artificially adjust the market, gas prices will come down.  Drilling our own oil instead of importing it would help also.

    Look at the Honda Clarity.  Unlike GM, Ford, or Toyota, their new car is not a gimick.  They are trying to introduce a new product with a new fuel as fast as technology will allow.  Only Mazda and BMW seem to be researching this as intently as Honda.  Ford may siphon off the Mazda research, but they are not really serious about it.

    Necessity is the mother of invention.  When gas gets high enough (about twice what it is now) then you will see many alternatives.  Right now, gas is still relatively cheap.  People may be hurting, but there is a huge difference between cancelling the anual vacation, and getting up for work 3 hours early because that is the only way to catch a ride.

  2. Oh, I got my locking gas cap quite some time ago.

  3. People have always robbed fuel out of cars.  Syphon hoses in the middle of the night, while you sleep away.  That's why they started putting locks on the caps.

  4. They already are. Trucks and SUV's are the easiest targets.

    Let's raise taxes again!

  5. there is a gas boycott schedules for June 17th and 18th. maybe it will help a bit.

  6. yes start walking...and give me your fuel

    kidding....kind of

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