
Is it time to get married ?

by  |  earlier

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When your barmaid no longer understands you ?




  1. no.

  2. yes

  3. no

  4. Not yet.  Wait one hour.

  5. aaaahhhh what did you do now, you upset her with your words......?? or actions....??  time to go home, shower & eat & relax ok.  Hope you are well............

    Married you say........?? yes maybe it is time........

  6. Your wife probably wont either- get a dog

  7. Ha ha ha - you could always find a new pub or ask the bar manager for new bar staff!!

  8. Nope. You can leave the bar and the barmaid. But you can't really run away from the wife.  

  9. If she's "Your" barmaid, marry her. :0)

  10. Of course not!

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  11. Too bad, she said she doesn't want you here when she gets back because you've been ruining everybody's lives and eating all of our steak.

  12. Drink more p1ss Rik, you're obviously thinking too much. xo

  13. No it's time to phone for a taxi.

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