
Is it time to get rid of the trapezoid?

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They never call the goalie for playing the puck outside of it anyway. I wish NBC wasn't the worst network ever cause I have yet to see replay of MAF practically in the corner playing the puck.

Oh and good luck in the Cup Pens, I'll be sure to be rooting against you.




  1. t was time to get rid of it the moment the idea was born.

  2. Its pretty ridiculous.  Just imagine how many goals could be set up by Goalies like Turco if they removed it.

  3. Don't you mean Turcozoid?

    The rule was instituted to prevent puck playing goalies, like Turco, from having such an influence on the game. It's a stupid rule that restricts athletes from adding a dimension to the game.

  4. I saw it called twice live this year during the regular season... once against Giguere and once against Backstrom. You'd see guys like Broduer, Turco, etc out playing the puck a ton more if they got rid of it...

  5. In a way, I like it. I think the goalie should be able to play the puck in the corners. He should just be fair game.

  6. Very stupid rule, very stupid. Don't cheer for the Wings though man, as much as you hate the Pens, trust me, the Wings are more evil, lol.

    djup6: lol, yeah I remember that. Roy sucked so much at playing the puck, he did his patented "skate out to the blue line and play the puck then skate back as fast as you can then dive to make the save" move all the time. Although, it didn't always work and he allowed a lot of goals that way, but I loved it, it was just so exciting to watch and would get the fans so riled up and excited if it happened at home.


    Erica: LMAO @ "dry-humping", never even thought of that, I'm gonna use that when talking about Hasek from now on, lmao.

  7. The trapezoid should have been gone after the first month of the season. You are right it never gets called. Why now? Seems strange

  8. The trapezoid sucks, as does NBC. Their replays of the Flyers' no-goal at the end of the 2nd period were horrible. At least this series finally got the 1st string commentators, Doc and Edzo.

    And... thanks? Lol. Just like with previous rounds, when this one is over, you won't see me being a braggadocious jerk.

  9. Yah its a dumb rule. If anything it limits scoring because goalies aren't able to mess up in the corners anymore like Roy used to do. Although Roy made ridiculous saves afterwards to cover his ***.

  10. My goodness, what did I do?!

  11. It was time to get rid of it the moment the idea was born. It was supposed to increase scoring because of the all the stick-handling goalies like Turco and Brodeur, but, really, it has very little to do with anything. Both of those goalies adapted and they still stick-handle like there's no tomorrow.

  12. yeah...just like the majority of calls, there has to be consistency.  and by the way, apparently i will be cheering against you as well...

  13. I have found that it still gets can venture to the corner still, just not behind the goal line. Missed the one you are referring to though.

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