
Is it time to leave Yahoo Q&A for good?

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Due to their daft rules which seem inconsistent.

I'm tired of the bullsh!t. Is it just me?




  1. No. The bulls**t is getting pretty bad. ALso the constant service interruptions and the slowness of the damned behemoth most of the time is terribly frustrating.

    But having your answers deleted by the same people time after time and having freaky cyber stalkers harass you over the net and you with no real way to make ANYONE at yahoo listen to your concerns is very disheartening.

    It is such a grand concept, but I believe they alowed it to grow out of their control. It has been hijacked by neocon nutjobs on the one hand and loony liberals on the other, all competeing for the prize of "throwing the insult which has the least essential class or thought behind it 2008"

    And the loser is....

    all those who are serious about their politics and social issues.

  2. I just got here! If everyone is leaving I want my money back! ohh... wait its free... well I dont care someone is gonna pay!!! :)

  3. No. As with most things there are good and bad,nothing in life is perfect!

  4. Thats it - "Change" (Obama)

    and also you said "tired of"-so must have experience - (McCain) -

    omg - the fabled OBCAIN - here to save us all.

  5. The major problem is the so called 'Best answer' is chosen on the askers beliefs not the correct answer. So really this is a debate not a site to get correct answers

  6. It is not just you.  Loads of others feel the same way you do.  But Yahoo! does ask us to abide by its terms and conditions.

    If we feel a post breaches those, it is up to us to report it.

  7. Nope, can't figure it out. Banning, violations that really aren't. Can understand why Goggle discontinued their answer program but at the same time it is nice to see others views right or wrong and here I am again, maybe I'm glutton for punishment?  

  8. No.

    Don't think so.

    Not just yet.

    Decode this lyrics "The last waltz"

    Our last song together is not over yet.

    Without "Tie up a yellow ribbon round the old oak tree"

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    What do you think?

  9. never!!!!

  10. No, it's a free for all, and all the better for it, which does mean that there are morons, children, people who report you for not agreeing with them, and as I found out yesterday, heckling via email if you make your email available, and you can't reply if the sender so wishes.

    There are a lot of irritations, but that's life!

  11. you have a good point, its an automatic violation as soon as you say anything detrimental about the immigrants, in other words we dont have an opinion on Yahoo answers concerning them

  12. Och your just having a bad day.

    I'm sure you'll find that most of us on here have felt as you do today and to coin a phrase' Tomorrow Is Another Day'. So wait until tomorrow before deciding as you will miss us warts and all and I'm sure you'll feel differently tomorrow.

    We'll all miss you and you cannae desert a sinking ships because of a few rats.


  13. yup fed up with it as well. the questions are all same old same old as well. time to go i think.

  14. No

  15. It's the trolls that totally spoil it plus the American input into what is supposed to be for the UK and Ireland.

  16. We persevere and hope that our example will one day show the monitors of the system the way it should be.

  17. Hang in there dude! Don't take this stuff too seriously. Whenever I get some lame "violation" or lots of "thumbs down" I know that I've really gotten to some dimwit(s) who can't think of anything intelligent to say.  

  18. No!I am satisfied with the regulations and conditions!

  19. No-matter what vile and utter c**p that gets posted on Yahoo Q&A I would never dream of reporting someone, much better to either shoot them down in flames (or die trying) or just ignore them.

    Free speech goes both ways, even if you think someones Question or Answer is total BULLSHIT.

    And no I don't think it is time to leave Yahoo Q&A unless you know of a better alternative.

  20. even though this is not a pay service, the advertisers are dependent on us NOT being banned.  Yahoo may realize this one day and stop being jerks about this 'game' site.  When I get scolded by a faceless email, it makes me not want to patronize this service.  If I don't come here, the ads don't get seen.  maybe that is why yahoo stock is in the toilet.

  21. Maybe,  Best leave now before the liberal report monkeys get your account suspended

  22. I know want you mean

  23. you wont ever leave because you cant stop looking at what you write. Its called intellectual masturbation. If you were going to leave, you would simply leave, but since you write about leaving, you're just jacking yourself off in front of everyone.

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