
Is it time to overthrow our government?

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Our constitution gives us the right to do this.




  1. YES

  2. It's a matter of separation of church and state.

  3. I don't think you realize that this administration has trampled the constitution. Our system of checks and balances is broken. The 16th amendment was never ratified properly but the courts say we must pay taxes. We need a Revolution peaceful until all else fails. Make the politicians obey the constitution this is the best option for now.

  4. Perhaps your question is prescient.  You are correct.  Our Constitution gives us the right to change.  I imagine the US military will do it soon.

  5. NO

  6. Not over throw but it is time for a revolution and boston tea party.

    They have to learn the constitution says "WE THE PEOPLE"

    Not them the elected ones

  7. "A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

    While most American interpret the 2nd Amendment only as a 'right' to own a gun, the basis for this amendment was intended to keep government and the military from being the only one with armaments.

    We, indeed, have the right - and patriotic obligation - to overthrow a tyrannical and oppressive government. That was one of the primary reasons why our ancestors came to this land in the first place. They wanted to avoid taxes, oppressive government and  religious persecution.

    Thomas Jefferson once said: "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants".

    If we DON'T get off our collective butts, put down our remotes and stand up to fight for our country, we will one day - sooner rather than later - wake up to find ourselves living under the rule of a gang of despots. But as Jefferson also said: "Timid men prefer the calm of despotism to the tempestuous sea of liberty". Like lobsters languishing in a pot of lukewarm water, we're too 'comfortable' to rise up against our government [which is becoming more and more oppressive]. Only when the water starts to boil over will we then scream in agony over our own apathy. Then it will be too late. The despots will already have taken over.

    Arrogance, ignorance, avarice, sloth and hubris have set in to make us a lackadaisical, non-participatory citizenry. Ralph Nader has said: "There can be no daily democracy without daily citizenship". Instead of whining about high gasoline prices, over-taxation, and corrupt government, we should be demonstrating in the streets, taking up arms in protest and forcibly throwing the bums out whose sloppy, incompetent leadership has put us in this mess.

    Don't tell me that we do that by voting. That's a myth. We should demand that the monopolistic, corrupt two-party political system be abolished - a system that gives voters no choice - and little voice - in our electoral process, which is governed by special interests, lobbyists, corporations and a handful of wealthy elitists, industrialists, oil barons and power brokers who only want to become wealthier and more powerful. "Republicrats" change places every four, six or eight years to give the appearance of free elections, but - in fact - we are tied down by the stranglehold that they have over our governance. The Constitution says, 'We the PEOPLE..." - NOT "we the corporations" or "we the special interests" or "we the wealthy" or "we the lobbyists".

    But until we're willing to actually take up arms and FORCE a change in government, we'll be mired in the muck we call "political choice" - which is no choice at all. Our candidates are 'selected' by a corrupt system that "we the people" have little participation in; we are the lobsters slowly being boiled alive.

    Philo Vance once said: "The democratic theory is that if you accumulate enough ignorance at the polls, you produce intelligence". Not so. It's time to overthrow our government.     -RKO-   07/27/08

  8. And how do you suggest we do this ?

  9. That will make things worse...

  10. Exactly what part of the Constitution of the United States allows us to overthrow the government?  This is called "treason" at its best.  We have an elected government that has a limited term.  If you don't like the current crop of professional politicians who are s******g up everything they touch, vote them out.

  11. no it isn't time to overthrow the goverment. The time has come for people to wake up. Stop re-electing the same polititians term after term, when they do nothing. Stop voting to build new schools, when they are not needed. At one time people went to one-room-schoolhouses. They got educated and succeded. They had a desire to better themselves. Everyone should be on the phone, emailing, and writing letters demanding the officials they elected do their job.

  12. A revolution has already started.

  13. Well, I guess we could try,but they are way more prepared than we are.

  14. If not mockery also suggest Consumer Strike  to end Corp power. Also a currency designed by citizen shop keepers, workers, and others to exchange with eachother. This creates independance.

  15. First of all, out Constitution does no such thing.

    Secondly we overthrow our government every two years, it's called elections.

  16. You first. Let me know how it works out.

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