
Is it time to put an end to the Kentucky Derby?

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We have an ill or injured horse again today. And remember the Barbaro tragedy. Shouldn't we find our entertainment elsewhere?




  1. I agree, it is time for this to end.  The horse had two broken ankles which never would've happened if it hadn't been pushed beyond it's breaking point.  I'm big into animal rights and despise all types of racing- horse, dog, etc- especially when there is lots of gambling involved.  This only further shows just how much people care about betting and how little they care for the welfare of animals.  I am sad that this poor creature had to die such a terrible, pointless death.  When will enough be enough?  It's time for people to open their eyes and take a good hard look at what they are putting these animals through.

  2. As sad as the loss of Eight Belles is, NO we should not put a end to racing.

    We should however extend our deepest sympathies to the owner and trainer of Eight Belles. .

  3. Very sad , but it happens , at least the jockey didn't get hurt . The Kentucky Derby will run forever though . The most exciting 2 min. in sports !

  4. you know in the early years horses could run 50-60 races in their life now its like 5-10, they run them to hard

    i wonder if its worth it but accidents do happen

    RIP Eight Belles

  5. I'm wondering if fillies are more susceptible to bone breakage--look at Ruffian, who also broke both ankles while racing (although that was in a match race).

  6. Eight Belles should have been put in the Kentucky Oaks which she would have won with ease. Instead she raced her heart out against a monster of a horse (Big Brown) who she had no chance of beating. No one in their right mind should have put a filly in to race against this horse. Perhaps it is someone's ego that has caused this tragedy by wanting to have a horse in the Derby.

    To answer another question - no it is not filly's that are more prone to injury (unless they brake down because they are run to death in a race they can't win) but all thoroughbreds are prone to injury which is why we see it happening so often.

  7. I'm glad someone else is noticing how cruel the industry is. The sport itself is not cruel but the industry behind it is. Thousands of horses are slaughtered every year in the U.S. from the race industry alone because breeders don't want to spend time finding homes for the horses who don't run fast enough. Breeders should be forced to be responsible for the animals they breed and then throw away. Living, breathing things are not disposable. I understand young horses are able to run the fastest but it is like asking a 10 year old to run a marathon. Injuries occur constantly. Most of the time, people don't know about them because they are realized after horses leave the track. If the horse doesn't win the race, and has some sort of injury, what do you think their fate is? The sport has changed for the worst in the past couple decades.  Ending races is not the answers but regulations and laws are needed.  Somebody should stand up for the horses. I did not break my two horses until they were five. I've been riding for fourteen years. I agree most horses love to run, especially Thoroughbreds. And I understand intense training, I ride third level dressage and my horse is trained to fourth level dressage. But people need to open their eyes, the racing industry is not as glamorous as it seems. I find it annoying celebrities show up and support a sport when they don't know the true story- it's just the popular place to be.

  8. This is the first time in a long time (if ever) that a horse has been euthanized as a direct result of a Derby injury. It's sad, but it's not likely to happen again for a while.


    Barbaro died of a Preakness injury. Show some respect.

  9. It will never happen. It is a tradition. The reason no one is answering as fast as you would like is because YA ain't working right & not very many people are on here.

  10. As sad as it may be, no.

    Leave racing alone.

    If there is anything that I have learned from being around horses for about half my life, it is that they will only do what THEY want to do.

    Most racehorses love what they do- running.  She died doing what she loved.

    ADD:  You should know, Barbaro DID NOT die as a direct result of the Derby.  Do a little research.

  11. Maybe no answers because you just placed the question. lol

    I don't think the answer is to end the derby.  Accidents and injuries can happen in any sport.  Taking the many years the Derby had been around...there have been very few accidents and even fewer deaths.   Can't even think of when there was a death of a horse after the derby, caused by the running of the Eight Belles broken ankles.  Any type of injury in a sport is unpredictable...doesn't mean we should end the sport.

  12. She was not injured or ill.  Bone breaks like that in racing.  I think if any change should be going away from dirt to an artifical surface.

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