
Is it time to put feminism to bed?

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I propose an amnesty for all feminists who repent and who promise not to involve themselves with this extreme ideology in the future.




  1. If only it were no longer necessary. Sadly, we still have a ways to go. People are still restricting their daughters' career choices; it's legal for a man to rape his wife in Tennessee; women in math are like 4-leafed clovers; there is still a ton of homophobia and anti-transgenderism; there is still sexism in the divorce courts; men are still forced into unnecessary gender roles. Basically, we've got our work cut out for us.

  2. I propose leniency for you if you'll either STFU or ask intelligent and non-condescending questions. Now go to bed, honey.

  3. Feminism and male chauvinism are both sad and outdated types of behaviour, that halt our advance as a race, as much as racism does. Equality is the only way forward

  4. ..I think to put the idea of equality to bed would be classified as social regression, at least in Western Civilization.

  5. When half the CEOs of big companies, half the ministers in gouvernment, and half the carers for children and the elderly are women, then we can put it to bed. May be.

  6. Yes its way past time for femminism to be still lurking around spreading manhatred.

    Excellent article Doodle Sir !

    "Mexico have some of the most fascist laws against men imaginable"

    It only adds fuel to the fire that is spread by people who go around lying that Mexicans treat women like property and where women can be grabbed touched and raped.

  7. One can only dream.

          Real change will only occur when organizations are formed to benefit everyone.

         Maybe in another generation we will be able to finally discard the last remnants of racial and gender distrust and forge anew better country?

           But it is wasted efforts to plan for peace while the enemy is still marching it's war to speak(radical feminists).

            Until there stopped and forced out of government,colleges/universities/school system and the public coffer there is no hope of reconciliation.

                   I suppose that doesn't mean there has to be gender hostilities just perhaps a common front against this evil?

              But unless women are willing to stand up to radical feminists with men it is just a waste of time.


    We are talking about the USA. Not the world. If all human rights issue's were solved in our own country it wouldn't be hard to focus else where in the world to help those in need.

         But the state of women's rights in other countries is sad, but less concerning to me than the state of MY rights in my country.


    What the feminist movement says and does are two different things. They say they want equality than push for superiority.

         Frankly spoken I refuse to be a slave.

    If you see nothing wrong with blatantly sexist laws, hate filled speachs  and rhetoric then your part of the problem.

            Womens "rights" advocates and organization's reaction

    to laws that where passed (or failed to pass in states such as california because radical feminists talked the govenor into vetoeing it) to protect men from paternity fraud where all too telling of there selfish man hateing objectives.

              And I say again I will not be a human ATM machine.

        Just because we where born different doesnt give feminists the right to hate me or discriminate against me or push for laws that limit my right to self determination.

  8. It would be wonderful to be in a society in which feminist activism was unnecessary. Unfortunately we are far from that.

    Why do you consider advocating equal treatment an extreme ideology?

  9. no i disagree. there is stil inequality for women in the world

  10. sometimes feminists can be sexists but what strikes me odd is that you are a male, it is time to put chauvinism to bed?  i know i want equal rights , and most female submission is dead, but would you like me to make you wipe my *** if we were married....and rumage through the dumpster for a play cat has no balls.... i have no idea what you are on about and im sure it's ditto.

  11. The first wave was necessary. It gave women equal rights and opportunity i.e. equitable treatment NOT equal treatment since that is a possible outcome and in conflict. Now it is about producing equal outcomes like same number of women in high powered positions.

    Basically because the equal opportunity didn't lead to equal outcomes they rejected fair and equitable treatment and now advocate equality for the sake of being equal. Zero respect for greedy people, man or woman

  12. Sounds good to me man. Feminists are not vying for equal treatment. They want special treatment.

  13. yep i agree and as a man i must say the reason is there is two many man haters at the helm i love the fact that women's health has improved immensely over recent times as it was not adequate b4. votes for all is awesome there is a heap of other things that have worked but it is time that it ceased acting as a underdog and brought all these facets that it has worked so hard for to cover the wider com unity yes practical equal rights for all without discrimination instead of a woman's affairs minister how about an equal rights for all minister i don't want to see ministerial seats created for every possible group as we are all equal under god which ever you adhere to

  14. Unfortunately, not yet. The reason is, there are men in this world who still condone chauvinistic ideals and practices.  And until men as a whole learn to embrace the idea of equality for all, feminism will be here to stay.

  15. I agree.

  16. I agree, I'm tired of people shouting for equality, when they really shout for special treatment.

  17. Women get paid less on purpose. McCain is for that. Oboma is against it. If they work as hard as men they should get the same amount of money. But if they slack of of curse they are not getting a good pay.

  18. Why bother, as they are getting nowhere fast, do you know what it means 'Only A Paper Tiger'!!!

    Any way 'NOT IN MY BED, NO WAY, NO SIR' i tried it once it was a mess!!!

  19. No, there is Global Feminism, which is now the priority. Just look at how women are treated in many parts of this world, could we begin with some parts of Africa, just for a start?

    Edit to Doodle:

    You said:

    "Mexico have some of the most fascist laws against men imaginable"

    Doodle, READ the whole article!! See WHY!!

    I lived in Mexico Doodle, and I will tell you, that women NEED to be protected, they have been treated by many as property, you can be grabbed touched, raped. . Men can be very violent. I have many stories, so please, don't make a statement about something you don't know about. Mexico (among other countries) is a very machist country . I have a first hand experience on this.

    Sometimes I get the impression you really want to go back to the past.

  20. time to put feminism to bed?  only in this forum.  there needs to be a new rule that redundancy is punishable by a frontal lobotomy since only those already brain dead are guilty.

  21. Men have accepted their traditional roles, by and large. I believe that the majority of women would have accepted theirs too, if it hadn't been for a tiny minority of women with too much testosterone wanting to behave like men. To rationalise their behaviour, they turned women into victims of men, and then, pretending to be helping women, they turned their guns against men to fulfil their main objective.

    I think that the majority of women feel that they have to claim that they are feminists, or they are accused of letting the side down.

    Most of the households I know, the women are in charge.

    Only Communists regard men and women as interchangeable

  22. Depends on how drastic their views are. I believe anyone that wants to be treated equal should be able to do that job or that task to the same level. I work in a hospital, and most RN's are females. The few males can do that job just as well, so no sexism there. But I have heard of some thinking they should be treated equal as far as going to war as infantry, or working heavy jobs. My view is personal since I am close to both. I was in the Army, and I don't think its ok to have an infantry woman, until ALL men can accept it. Because men are stupid and try to act macho...this may actually hurt them out in combat..trying to protect a woman, whether she need it or not

    Second, my Mom OWN and RUNS a Fence Contracting Company. She taught me to weld, Cut metal, Stretch wire. She knows what hard work is. We do services like hay bailing hauling and masonry. So, she CAN expect to be treated like a man, b/c she regularly out preforms them!

  23. as well as the NAACP! what the h**l do they do anymore?

  24. ABSOLUTELY.. Feminism quickly became a gentler word meaning sexism in favor of females. As a result of this liberal concept, one has to ask do we now have more problems or less ?..... There is a direct correlation between 'feminism' & the divorce rate increase over the last 30 yrs.... You tell me.... I'd rather say drown it.

  25. Nice try, Senator McCain, but we're sticking to our guns.

  26. Not really,

    it is not even sleepy yet..

    That is why!

  27. You are right we all have equal treatment, now we can all be on our ways.

  28. What about things that feminists are still working on?

    Like the right to choose to have an abortion, and to be able to be paid as much as men?

    I don't think that this radical feminism that puts men as the enemy is necessary either, but modern feminism has put efforts into different issues. Man haters are destroying the work that real feminists are trying to do.

  29. No, but it IS past your bedtime, young man...

  30. Promises? "Promises are meant to be broken", as feminists are prone to say. They have no honour so their undertakings would be worthless.

    There can be no compromise because you cannot compromise ith evil.

    Feminism is s*x-based and s*x-biased, like racism is race-based and race-biased.

  31. Totally agree. Feminism has achieved its aims and has become like an obsession for some activists who see The Patriarchy behind every dissatisfaction they have with life. Even if it stops now we are left with dealing with the chaos left in its wake e.g. crazy laws like VAWA, ridding the media of people who casually spread prejudice against men, getting men and women to trust each other again etc etc.

    Feminism makes sense as an eccentric little movement from the late 1960s and how the h**l this bunch of crazies got to be the social norm is beyond my comprehension.


    And lets not forget the spread of feminism to other parts of the world too. India and Mexico have some of the most fascist laws against men imaginable:

    “Mexican men who display extreme jealousy or avoid s*x with their wives could be tried in court and punished under a new law”

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