
Is it time to start stock piling tinned food just incase?

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Is it time to start stock piling tinned food just incase?




  1. are you taking Browns warning to stop wasting food seriously guessing there is

    ( maybe ) worse yet to come?

    Either way it's wise to have some emergency stocks stashed away....

    you never know when you may need them.

    flood, civil disorder, petrol shortages ( as Oil companies push up their profits, from the last few barrels to be taken from poor mother earth, who cannot keep up with

    demand )

    ruined food crops from natural or man-made disasters, an earthquake. etc etc etc............

    I'll stop there, this is getting very depressing.

    having stock-pile of tins, packets & jars would be wise.

    wouldn't it?

  2. I have a stock of food in my pantry at all times.  Not just canned/tinned foods, but staples like rice, flour and pasta, juices and bottled water.  But then, I live in Southern California and have been raised with the occasional earthquake.  Once you've been through one that disrupts your ability to get food, you learn to stockpile a little for your family.

  3. Yea, its not to late to start stock piling food.... Dont wait until it is to late.

    You know its time to start taking action and getting yourself and loved ones prepared when truckers in Europe are striking, and the UK government is asking store owners to help store food for rationing in case supply of food is disrupted..

    See article...

    We have lots of canned goods.....


    Peak Oil Blog -

  4. Yeah I think so, just in case

  5. why ?.. whats going to happen.. i only like baked beans in a tin...

  6. depends if you have the space

  7. I pride myself on a full pantry.

  8. no, it's just more things to dust !

  9. Not just tinned food in case...but tinned food in shrink-wrap as

  10. Ditto what Peter wrote!

  11. If I were you I would!  Stock up everything you can!  It's a great idea.  Here are some articles you should read for the WHY?  They are in the sources...good luck!

    Worlds Most powerful Antioxidant drink

  12. hello , put a few things by each week for a rainy day sort of thing

  13. Why ??? Do you know something the rest of us missed

  14. My mother in law seems to think so.

    But that is an old lady thing to do....

  15. it is wise to always have a  preparedness kit.. you should have 3 days of food, 3 days of water (2 litres of water per day per person) cloths for the season, all your important papers(passports birth certificate etc.) and spending money remember the power will go out in an emergency so no ATMs or Banks because no computers!! And flashlight,batteries radio matches first aid kit emergency contact numbers(friends family outside your city ) and a evacuation rout planed ahead of time in case you have to leave your home. And important of all a place to go to if you have to leave (the emergency contact numbers) and learn how to get out alive remember everyone will be leaving also at the same time so the regular routs will be clogged and sometimes impassible. So think different routs that others haven't thought of.. and do a test run!!

  16. Incase of what?

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