
Is it time to stop unchecked immigration?

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to keep these beastly beings from our shores?




  1. What on earth does this tragedy have to do with immigration? Are you suggesting that Canada is populated by people like this and they are heading into the USA? Really? Unbelievable....

  2. You have a person from Alberta murdering a person in Manitoba. They are both in Canada! Nothing to do with immigration! Or are you complaining because the person has an Asian name? That does not make him an immigrant illegal or otherwise! This is a tragedy! But has nothing to do with immigration unless there are other facts not mentioned!

  3. Yes. I think your a moron but I agree with your general statement, so give me a best answer already! That is how it works here right?  

  4. Yes! those Canadians are the most violent, and there's the proof. We need the troops up on our northern borders where the real violent immigrants are.

  5. Yes!  

  6. Yes!!! when are the American people going to wake up. When? When we loose this country to ourselves. "A country without borders is not a country"

  7. It's WAY PAST time

  8. Yes, only if you want the american economy go down the drain completely!

  9. It's way past time.  

  10. It is way overdue!!

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