
Is it time to take up arms against the government?

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Is it time to take up arms against the government?




  1. Getting very close.

  2. This question should be in the jokes category.

  3. To what end?

    How has the "Government" harmed you?

    What freedoms do you think you're being deprived of?

    The mere fact that you can safely post a comment like this proves that you have more freedom than 85% of the world.

    Quit whining!

  4. Get off your dead *** and vote. That's much more effective, and it isn't illegal.

  5. no! Wait till next week.

  6. Hmm, revolution? I'm thinking: h**l NO!!!!! There is no reason to.  Not many countries have gov'ts who deserve it (key word: many.)  I'd like your name and address so I can bill you as a Terrorist and send Delta crashing through your window

  7. If the election is fixed republican again.

  8. It has not gone that far yet. But always be vilagent as far as giving any one control over you self. There are times when they will go to far. Its your, our country not theirs.

  9. only if someone elects hillary clinton

  10. The damage is done, something should have been done as Bush's tyrannical laws were being passed.

  11. Thomas Jefferson once said, " A little rebellion now and then is a good thing."  He also said, "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.  It is its natural manure."  However, he was writing in a time and place that was toward the end of the enlightenment and from a historical perspective of Europe's history.  Today I doubt he would advocate that citizens take up arms against the government but I do believe he would support civil disobedience, free speech, and public protest.  Today's government and it's military is far to powerful for any violent civil insurrection to withstand (look the the WV miners at Paint Creek or even the Civil War for examples).  If our government and society falls it will be from rot and corruption from within not from violent overthrow.

  12. it is time for all of us to make the goverment become more responsible, we are spreading ourselves far to thin,,, check out the info american rome, rome america, comparing the fall of rome to the USA

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