
Is it to cold for camping?

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me and my bro were thinkin of settin up a tent in the backyard. the lowest temp. this night is like 53 52. but thats at lik 6:00am otherwise its lik in the 50s all night. is that to cold?we might be able to build a fire. we've never used the tent. so i need lik tips of wat to do. so do u think itll be to cold??




  1. I've camped in 40 degree weather, but I had a fire going. It really depends on your personal tolerance. If you dress in layers, you should be fine.

  2. not really.

  3. no it wont be too cold if you bring out blankets and wear warm cloths ...  

  4. A good sleeping bag will keep you warm. I slept in a tent in the dead of winter once and I was fine, until the next morning when I realized I forgot my gloves...

  5. No, your back yard isn't Valley Forge either.  George Washington

    soldiered through worse without indoor plumbing or pizza delivery.  A big yard fire is an excellent way to hear fire

    truck sirens roll to a stop in front of house after passer-by

    uses cellular to report possible arson in progress.

    Suggest everyone tenting cuddle while in separate sleeping bags or use purchased camp warming devices.  Drag in the family pet to add more body heat to your tent.  Do not use

    candles or hot lanterns in tents or you might want to see fire truck soon.  Personally, I would not want tent or the flatulence there-in.  I'd rather fight Redcoats with George Washington.

  6. Not if you have a good sleeping bag or cover to uses. I have been camping when it was in the teens. It was so cold that the water around us was solid ice. If you are camping in your backyard run a drop cord and plug in a heater.  

  7. Thats not bad make sure you bring heavy clothes or sleeping bags to sleep in i slept in 40 degree weather once and i was fine (except when i woke up to p**s)

  8. That's not cold at all.  It'll be fine.  I usually avoid going camping unless it's below 50 at night.  I have slept under the stars when the temps were in the mid 40's and windy...

    use sleeping bags, bring an extra blanket, and don't worry about it.  You'll be in the backyard, right?  So, if you get cold, just go inside.


  9. It's never too cold if you have warm enough gear. I know several people that winter camp even when it's well below zero. (And survivethebc, they are even American.)

    Make sure you have a warm sleeping bag and maybe an extra blanket. Place a mat or blanket underneath you sleeping bag to keep you a little warmer. It should be fine.

    But no, it shouldn't be too cold. It should be fine.

  10. I don't know, it depends on how much you can stand. Me and my dad went deer hunting and it was in the winter and it got down to 30-25.

  11. You sound pretty young, so...temperatures in the 50's are easy, no special gear required. It's like sleeping in your bed at home with all the windows open.  A medium weight jacket and sweat pants for hanging out.  Some bug spray for the mosquitos.

    All you need for sleeping is a ground cloth (a tarp) and some padding between you and the ground.  If you've some sleeping bags, great.  If not, some cozy blankets will be plenty.  

    Camp fires...where we live, a really bad idea as it's fire season (Northern California).  If you've a good fire pit or some way of containing a fire and can control it, probably just fine.

    For contrast, to learn something new...snow camping:

    I'll vouch for David L.'s mention of Klondike Derby's and that gear list on his link.  Top notch for the basics and just fine for most situations.

    Our Troop participates in a Klondike Derby up in the Sierras every year.  Last year at about 10 Degrees max in the early morning, with a "Zero Degree bag", and good pads it was quite pleasant sleeping on the snow.  The hard part's facing the morning before the coffee's hot, hitting the restroom, and changing.  Last year's had about 9 feet of snow and we build some massive snow shelters to use.  We had to dig down to the toilets.

    Klondikes by the way are a blast.  Orienteering, sledding, rope bridge building, camping, and outdoors skills contests between Scout Troops out in the snow for a couple days.  Ours are held up at Emigrant Gap in the Sierras (Google it up, or look for some good pioneer history...try the "Donner Party", it wasn't that many miles away).

    Even my kids, ages 9 and 13 have done snow camping with short hikes.  In a pinch, I've used tents, extra foam pads and heavy blankets/comforters for far colder conditions than you'll need.

    Have a ball!  Don't forget the smores!

  12. its never too cold for camping but dont have a fire in a tent, what you can do is make a smoke blanket. just google it

  13. You poor Americans!  You'll be fine.  It''s not that cold!

    Tips for Americans camping:

    - choose a high quality mummy bag rated much colder than the air temperature you plan to sleep in

    - pee before you go to bed. Removing the extra fluid means that your body doesn't need to work to keep it warm too.

    - eat some carbs, hot liquids (but not too much), or a good meal before going to bed

    - fill a Nalgene bottle with hot water and make sure the lid is on tight (and won't leak).  Place it your sleeping bag (upright) 15 minutes before getting in to pre-heat your bag.  Wrap a towel or t-shirt around it, place it between your legs and it will keep you warm for hours.

    - wear a toque if you have one (or know what it is)

    - long underwear can be worn if it's really cold out

    Anyway, these are things that we use as Canadians when we're winter camping in temperatures of -25 Celcius (-13 Farenheit).

    Backpacker magazine has lots of good tips for camping

  14. I have camped at 10 degrees with a good sleeping bag and had fun doing it. I had hiked 6 miles out in the west Texas desert to hunt and camp, you will be in your back yard so I think if times get tough you can go inside, but at 50 degrees how tough can it be. The whole Idea of camping is to leave some of the luxuries behind and accept the challenge.

  15. It won't be that bad. I assume you'll be in a tent with sleeping bags so you won't feel the cold at all. If anything, you can just layer up in clothes and use blankets. Making a fire will be pointless because sleeping while there is a fire outside is extremely dangerous and you will be in your tent so you won't feel a thing.

  16. Boy Scouts do snow camping all the time.

    But of course they are Prepared for the conditions.

    See: 'Personal Gear for Klondike Derby' on the web page below

  17. It is never too cold to go camping.  If you have the right gear then you can be comfortable in any weather.

  18. Set up your tent and spray it with a garden hose and let dry.

    (tents are treated with a chemical, water activates it and knits the tents fibers so it won't leak when it rains)

    Temps in 50's isn't too cold for camping, depending on your sleeping bags some are good down to 0 degrees, average ones 35 degrees. Put one down to lay on and one to cover up with or you can put a air mattress in your tent and use your sheets, blankets and pillows you nomally use on your beds inside your house, beside wearing warm clothes.

    If you do have a fire you can heat up some large rocks or heat them in the oven and then put them in a large cooking pot (stock pot) (use oven mitts or potholders) and bring the pot in your tent for heat, it won't burn anything and will keep you warm all night.

    Don't forget bug spray and a flashlight/lantern.

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