
Is it to early to tell

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i think im pregnant but im scared to go to the clinic and i missed my period is it to early to tell if i am pregnant..




  1. Hun you should def do a home test if you've missed. If you would like anyone to talk to you may find some lovely support at and make some lovely friends

  2. aw babes,, shunta had unprotected s*x then shudya, but u no 4 next time. dont be scared babes just ask a friend to buy a test 4 u if you're that scared of goin to ur chemist..

  3. Depending how late on your period you are, if only a few days it could just be late..but if a month or so then you are most likely pregnant and its time that you should take a test. You dont have to go to the clinic to get the test done, if you feel more comfortable doing it at home then just buy one at a local store and do it to your convinience. Good luck.

  4. You can check within 2-3 weeks, with a pregnancy test.

    Holding hands with him..?

  5. How long has it been? I no exactly how u feel. The best thing to do would be to go to a doctor, they can do a blood test as early as the first few days after s*x. If u really dont want 2, wait until a few days after your period is due, if it doesnt come, then take a home pregnancy test. Watch out for the early pregnancy signs like needing to pee alot, sore b***s and nipples, morning sickness (can be anytime throughout the day or night though!!) and nausea and such.. lol... Remember though, theres no point worrying bout something that u dont even no is gonna happen or not. The likeliness of u being pregnant isnt likely unless u had s*x within 10 days after your period??

  6. You can find out from a home pregnancy test within two weeks of becoming pregnant.

    Dont be scared to go to the doctor, trust me they see lots of scared woman come in for this reason!

  7. Get tested, sweetie, before you do your head in thinking about it.

    Good luck, i hope you get the outcome you want

  8. If you go to a decent clinic they will use a very accurate test.  It could tell within 24 hours of conception.

    Call Planned Parenthood.  They are there for girls like you.

  9. i think you should take a home pregnancy test and see what it says

  10. um i don't know please do a test  

  11. After 45 days from when you should have had your period take a test. As far as going to the clinic you had better get over the fear if you plan to keep having s*x. If tou don't use protection one of those little sperms is going to hit that little egg inside you.

  12. get a test then go to the doctor  
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