
Is it to late for my mom and me???

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so im 15 and i feel like i have nothing in common with my mom

we talk but its small talk and rarely a personal conversation about her life

i feel like i cant talk to her about things going on in my life and that she doesnt know who i am

we used to be two peas in a pod until i turned 7 when she met my stepdad and ever since i feel like we've grown apart from each other

how do i save our relationship




  1. you should have a girls day out and do what you like and then when you are ready talk to her and explain how you feel and she may understand.

  2. It is absolutely not too late for you and your mom!!!! I'm sure she wants to be closer with you also. Open up and talk to her. I'm sure it would make her day to hear you say that you want to "save your relationship" with her. Ask if you can go out, at least once a week, just the two of you. And then use that time to tell her everything thats on your mind. You'll be like two peas in a pod in no time, just make time for her, and ask that she make time for you also. Good luck!! :)

  3. It is never to late to right a wrong.

    Let her know how you feel from your heart. She does not have a clue unless you let her know.

  4. Sorry! Uh... No it's not to late! Go talk to her! It's normal for you to have this problem. Tell your mom you want to be closer. I'm sure she feels the same way. She's just hiding it too! Hurry up hun! Good luck!

  5. NEVER, you and your mom will have these "i feel close today, miles apart today feelings" its all a part of growing up. my mom and i were close when i was younger by the time i was 21, we fought a lot, by the time i was 30 she was my best friend, and that lasted until the day she passed on. go talk to your mom, be open and honest with her on how you feel. try a lunch date or shopping at the mall, ask her for more time with just you and her. good luck love.

  6. If she ain't dead, it's not too late. My moms on drugs, she dont even know me.

    Do what you can while you can, life's too short.


  7. its not too late.  try figuring out things that she likes:  music, tv shows, movies, clothes.  and talk to her about it.  tell her about ur friends (at least things u r comfortable w/ haha)  

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