
Is it to much money to pay 160 a month for superkarate lessons over the internet?

by  |  earlier

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i have allready learned the judo chop and used it effectively in one fight but now my friends are telling me i am being ripped off?? whats going on?!?!




  1. ur being ripped off

  2. OMG dont be stupid your being robbed

  3. As per your inquiry, you must perform a cost/benefit analysis. One overlying factor could be... wait a minute- "superkarate"?? LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. You're killing me man!  That's hilarious - I must introduce you to my acquaintance Matt Furey.

  5. 16 cents is too much to pay for any lesson over the internet.

    the purpose of a teacher is to correct you and show you the minute detailes you won't pick up from mimicking a picture you see on screen or in a book.

    this detail is the difference between bieng a c**p fighter and a good one.

  6. its a rip off, i go 2 tkd n its 100 a month. my frnd goes to judo and its 60 a month.

  7. Yes; your friends are right.  You would be better off and get more value for your money if you paid for actual lessons under a good instructor than wasting your money with lessons over the Internet.  There are so many things that you  can't learn or develop by Internet learning like your ability to anticipate, or actual physical contact and all that brings with respect to martial arts and self-defense or fighting.  The Internet is a great tool for giving people like yourself the opportunity to pick up some things but that is only really if it is coupled with actual experience that you can use as a frame of reference.  Not only that but actual practice with others and the physical contact aspect is really important in all this and developing your fighting skills.

  8. yes because at a normal dojo they usually charge 100 a month or come up with a type of plan

  9. I think so....

    The problem is simple, the more you work a move with an opponent, the better you get, as the move commits to muscle memory, without a partner, you can't do this.

    The beauty of an instructor/master/sensei/sifu it that they can give immediate feedback to what you are doing right or wrong and demonstrate the technique on you or your opponent.

    The amount of money you spend would probably be getter spent in a class with an instructor.  I have been a Krav Maga instructor for many years and I try to help each student reach his or her potential.  I watch my students.  I assess their individual strengths and weaknesses, since I teach at schools and community centers, it is much cheaper than $160 a month.  I also show them things to work on when we don't have class.

    I am also a Tai Chi Chuan student and a Combat SAMBO student, and nothing beats the tactile feel of working a movement or sequence, as a good Sifu or instructor will notice what is going on with you and help you correct misconceptions, physical limitations.

    There is much to be said for the personal touch of an instructor, as we watch the students and help them.

  10. If you pay me only $100 I will teach you the hidden movements of the Judo Chop!!!

    I can teach you how to kill someone and revive them again, using the Judo Chop alone!

    I have trained many people my secret Judo Chop techniques! Here are some testimonials!!!

    Fred G., Arizona says - "I haved useded the secret tekneek of Sensay Sensay now for 1 week and eye already killeded me a bear and a dinosaur, uh huh! So order yores now!!!

    Jean C. V. D. of Belgium says... I hahve beet mennie mennie peepull vith dees tecca neeks - becomes a maah-stahh een too veeks!!

    So email me at senseiteachesjudochop@senseiteachesjudoc...

    Or visit my website at www.senseiwillteachanyonewhopayshimonehu...

    Be the first in your neighborhood!!!

    Proud member of the BBBB!

  11. $160.00 is definitely too much to pay for any internet martial arts program. 'Superkarate' sounds like something that is extremely overrated.

  12. Ripoff. You can get better stuff watching jiu-jitsu videos on YouTube. Use that money to train, not watch videos.

  13. YES YOU'RE OVERPAYING! You can't learn via internet very well, if at all. Get an actual sensei who will give you actual teaching. I pay 60 bucks a month, and I get a free family member if I want to.

    FYI, there is no such thing as a "Judo Chop". Judo is grappling.. If you are using the side of your hand, the part that's below your finger but above your wrist, you're going to hurt yourself worse than the other guy.

    I've compared rates, and I've met different teachers before. Compared to my current teacher, the others were c**p. They'll teach you to do fighting routines that basicly have you fighting invisible opponents that make them have to be in a certain area in order for the moves to actually work. Trust me, get a teacher.

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