
Is it to much???????

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ok so im 37 weeks pregnant and getting ready to hopefully soon have this baby i packed a hospital bag for me and my husband and then i packed a diaper bag for the baby is to much should i just throw the babys things with our stuff i just dont want to show up over packed thanks




  1. some hospitals restrict the amount of bags you can take so check with the hospital first but just pack the bare essentials because you dont want to have loads of washing and unpacking to do when you get back and you probably wont need everything that you have packed anyway. good luck  

  2. Aw, bless.

    It is fine honestly. You have the right amount things and the hospital wouldn't midn how much you bring.

    I feel so excited for you and congratz on soon having the baby. :)

  3. You should def bring the diaper bag.  You may need it on the way home.  Plus its nice to put baby in his own gear, for example, you fave blanket for him, some nice freshly laundered onesies, a cute cap, lotions or soaps your prefer.  Brings wipes to, the hospitals never have good wipes.  Pack whatever you need to be comfy for you as well.  Your bathrobe, lotions, makeup, an outfit to wear home-maternity.

    I brought some green teas and some almonds too, sometimes hospital food can be yucky.

  4. The hospital will have mostly everything you need for the baby the first couple of I wouldn't worry about all of that stuff besides a going home outfit for baby, and blanket. Good luck!!

  5. No 2 bags is just fine!

  6. No, I packed a bag for myself and my husband and one for the baby.  I am glad I did, because she messed up her first two outfits and I had to change her into another one.  

  7. I did the same also. It sounds as if you are ready to go. And as with other posts all the baby really needs the hospital has. Take a couple of going home outfits, extras for just in case. Good luck on your labor and delivery and congrats on your new baby!

  8. I also took a diaper bag (with both babies) because I did not want to get the baby items all mixed up with our stuff.  It's not over-packing since I'm sure you have the room in your car and the hospital room for an extra bag.  It's up to you and what you want, so if it makes you feel better to have the baby's diaper bag along, then do it :)  But you don't need to stick a bunch of diapers and wipes in there, because the hospital will have plenty of those things. Good luck!!!

  9. Nope you can never be too prepared i think...Each and everyone of us is an individual and we all see things differently. Im taking a sep bag for my baby so i dont have to rummage round for things. Good luck x

  10. I brought a bag for each of us but honestly the only thing I needed for the baby was the coming-home outfit. The hospital has everything else! :)
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