
Is it to soon for me to have my second child

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please anyone help i just found out im having my second child .. im 7weeks but my son is only 1 is it going to be to hard im so mixed up advice please anyone.




  1. I know people who had babies back to back and they are fine.The doctors normally say give your body time to heal. But I think everyone is different.You should be fine and congrats  

  2. My daughter is 6 months old and me and my husband are tyring to get pregnant again!

  3. Nope!  Not too soon at all.  My four children are all 23 months apart.  I'm expecting my 5th, and #4 will be 19 mths when the baby is born.  My sister-in-law had 19 months between #1 and #2 and 12 months between #2 and #3.  A friend of mine has 5 children, all 12-16 months apart, a challenge but a worthwhile one.  

    Congratulations on your pregnancy!  What a wonderful blessing!

  4. My first 2 children are 13 1/2 months apart.  You talk about too soon??? LOL   I loved having 2 babies at the same time.  2 times the diapers, 2 times the high chairs, cribs, training pants, and everything else.  It was also 2 times the fun, 2 times the cuteness, 2 times the learning to walk and talk and crawl.  It was the best time of my life.  They are now 12 and 13 and they are very close.  It was the right decision.  It was harder when my #3 came around when those two were 3&4.  The difference in what they were doing was great and I found myself pulled in 2 directions.  I think its easier when they are close together.  Now they have similar friends, go to similar places and have same interests.  It's really nice.  Enjoy your babies.

    PS Too late anyway

  5. me and my sister are only a year and a half apart and we are so close i am glad my mom had us so close to each other....

  6. i know of people who have gotten pregnant when their babies were only 3 months old. im sure you will be fine!!

  7. I have 5 kids and there is only 12 mnths/18mnths between them . DONT WORRY!!!!

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