
Is it too early to be looking forward to Christmas?

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16 weeks away!!! Cant wait.




  1. no way!!! i cant wait...this is weird i was just talking about xmas b4 i logged on!!yay 4 Christmas time!!!!

  2. got my cards ready my xmas pud making cakes soon and started buying the food ,it helps to make the event go well if you plan early

  3. 16 WEEKS!!!!!!

    My heart just did a summersault...I didn't think it was that near...Now I am thinking Christmas too. Something to look forward to. I love all the lights and decorations. Summer has been a bit on the soggy side so it will be lovely to dream of Christmas....And just think, if I save 1 Euro every week from now on I will have 16 whole Euro to spend on goodies hahaha.

    I tried to put the pound sterling sign in there but my keyboard has gone haywire and it is nowhere to be found.....Keyboard must have got a shock too hahaha    

  4. GOD YES!

    16 weeks SHUT UP!!

    Just kidding

    I used to work for Pier 1.  The year before I left we got all our ornaments in during summer.  We set them up, no kidding September 1st.  They also started playing a 4 hour tape of nothing but Christmas songs.  By the time Dec 25th came around I was literally SICK of Christmas c**p.

    I love Lewis Black

    He said it best with

    "I will tell you, that you Christians have created a holiday that has become a beast that cannot be fed. Every year, Christmas gets longer and longer and longer, and you don't care, do you? You just take more and more of the calendar for yourself. It's unbelievable. How long does it take you people to shop?! It's beyond belief. It's insane. When I was a kid, Halloween was Halloween, and Santa wasn't poking his *** into it!

    Thanksgiving used to be Thanksgiving, and it was its own holiday, not Christmas: Part 1. When I was a kid, you ate, and you drank, and you passed out and nobody woke you up and said, 'Let's go shopping.'

  5. Yes you need to get more in your life.  Live in the present because the future may never arrive.

  6. For sure, it is too early. But if all your thought are concentrated only on gifts, then no. The most important to prepare your spirit to celebrate Christmas with open heart and good soul.

  7. Start saving your money...............

  8. dude its never to early to be looking forward to christmas!

    i loveeeeeeee christmas!

    merry christmas everyone! :D

  9. Not too early at all--at least for my taste. I am already buying small pressies and figuring out what decor will go where. I probably won't begin to up anything up until the weekend after my birthday (November 11).

    A cosy warm home filled with Christmas cheer as the nights become longer, and the weather gets colder. Ah! Can hardly wait.

  10. no!  now that you asked I am thinking about it and getting excited too.

  11. It is NEVER too early to look forward and to be excited about Christmas!!! I am soooooo excited!!!!!!!!

  12. Absolutely not!! I'm looking forward to it myself. Its only, like the best holiday!

  13. nope!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. Not at all! I'm looking forward to Christmas so much that I'm actually listening to Christmas carols right now!

  15. Woah.

    It's close. Lol.

    I just love the feeling in the air... it's special.

  16. h**l No!!! I can't wait it's great having Christmas to look forward to.

    Keep your christmas spirit!

  17. No, you can always look forward to christmas, even though when it gets here I might get a bit mad because everyone wants expensive stuff and I'm only on a £5 pocket money budget (he he) but unless it is christmas I know that I can always remember that it is under a year away! :)

  18. nah it isn't too early we have our christmas decorations up by halloween :)

    and the tree up by bonfire night :D


    p.s i've started christmas shopping too :D

  19. no way!! i am SO exited! I am an 11 year old girl, and i am asking for a Nintendo DS (coral color) with a my little baby or my baby girl game for it, a jonas brother wall lamp, and a sewing kit! ( i have a sis that is married and a girl toddler, a brother that has a girlfriend that has a toddler boy(he is divorced), and cousins and parents and my grandpa, i have lots of family. :D

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