
Is it too early to detect pregnancy? I am 9 days late!?

by  |  earlier

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So my period came on last month 7/20 and it should have came on 8/17 and it hasn't. Conception date is 8/ it too early for pregnancy to be detected? I took 4 pregnancy tests and they all said negative. Let me know what you think...thanks!




  1. 9 days shouldn't be too late unless you just ovulated at a different time. I'd wait a few more days and test again... if another negative and still no period.. I'd go to the doctors good luck!

  2. You should have been able to test by now, give it another 2 days and test in the morning.  

  3. Some people NEVER get a positive HPT, and some even get neg blood tests and are still preg. and have to have an ultrasound done to find out. So it is definitely possible!!

  4. Usually if you're only a day late the hpt can pick it up.  Maybe you should have a blood test at the doctor just to confirm.

  5. you might not have enough prego hormones to detect pregnancy so, just wait about a week or two and take another test. good luck.

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