
Is it too easy to pass driving tests?

by  |  earlier

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I refer to the high accident rates, in the five years after passing the test.




  1. Yes, it is.

    Consequently, the Government has plans to make the driving test more severe later this year.  Well overdue, in my opinion.

  2. No , many are to young. up it to 25yrs

  3. There should be some skid pan training and this should be included in the test...

  4. Our driving test is in fact one of the more stringent in the world. The problem is that most new drivers think they suddenly know it all by virtue of that piece of paper/plastic.  They only begin to learn that they DON'T know it all as they mature, sometimes the hard way.

    (That's for the UK, by the way, seeing that's clearly where you are . . . )

  5. Yes, much too easy, judging by the simpletons in control of cars these days.

  6. for the motorcycle test it is rediculously easy! its asking for people to get killed... in my state they dont even make you do an emergency stop on the motorcycle because people kept falling down! thats the reason its in the test! so you don't do it in the real world! jeeeeeesus!

    and its just as bad for cars... people who work at the DMV are barely what i call good drivers.

  7. Yes, the car test should be followed by a power / weight ratio limit, as it is for motorcycles.

    Better still, the car should be limited to the same bhp as the drivers IQ divided by their age.

  8. There's nothing wrong with the tests. It's the fact that we all turn into Barry Sheene / Kimi Raikonnen / (pick your racer) as soon as we get our full licenses.

    Looking back 20 years I was a liability when I first passed my test, thinking I was invincible, and a much better driver (and rider) than I was. I was lucky enough not to crash or injure anyone. Back then, nobody could have told me I wasn't that good, and it's the same with young drivers now.

    The test wasn't at fault, which makes it all the more ludicrous that in the UK we're changing the format of bike tests now, and car tests soon, at great expense and inconvenience to instructors and new drivers. And it won't change a thing - they'll still forget how to drive safely as soon as they pass.

  9. the test may be to easy but I think it is more  a case of kids with an attitude and not much experience to go along with it.

  10. I believe that it is too easy and that they should make it harder and longer because too many kids just want to get their license and drive and once they do they forget what they have learned.

  11. I think the tests might be a cause, the real cause is the lack of standard training people have received in differnt states, cultures and decades. Most never renew thier knowlege. In aviation pilots have to do contiuing education and prove them selves every 2 years. Driving should be like this. think im close?

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