
Is it too late at 11pm to call an old friend in germany?

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i tried calling her friday afternoon, but she wasnt in, so she called me back at 6pm GMT sunday, i tried calling her today at 6pm GMT but no answer, is it too late to call again now ? at 10pm GMT? (11pm germany time?) shes single and in her 30s.. when is a good time to call her? thanks




  1. At 11:00p.m. Usa  eastern Standard time it will be 5:00a.m. German time, they are 6 hours ahead of us.

  2. Answering you depends on your friends schedule. Add six hours and or what ever time zone you are in past eastern standard and if your friend is a night person than no, if they sleep at night and work during the day it would be early but if you rarely ever call then I am sure they will be happy to hear from you!!  I suggest you ask her when is best to call her there and then subtract the hours and then you have it.

    Good luck I did this all the time with my gf in Germany meeting on webcam chats.

    That would be why  I said +6 on the East Coast and add one hour for each time zone until you reach 3 at CA time. So it can be from 6-9 hours and then when you have the time change on our clocks for daylight savings it is not the same day as theirs so some times it is 5-8 hours ahead for a short period only till both are caught up with their clock changes.   I do agree basing it of Greenwich Time is the best to go buy it is the most accurate and used world wide and it would be one hour ahead of Greenwich time.  This being the USA section it will vary depending your Time Zone if it is +6 7 8 or 9! Again I still say you work it out with them after the first call or talk when is best to call them.

  3. i say go for it =]

  4. My mom teached me, that you never call before 10 am and never after 10 pm. Only earlier or later if you made a telefonappointment earlier or later.

    how about you leave her a message and tell her to call you on tomorrow or sunday between that and that time, so you know you will be home and she can plan it so that she will be home.

    Good luck...

  5. It was an unspoken rule in Germany, not to make phone calls after 8 pm German time, when the top news start on TV.

    Nowadays that has changed a little and I think you can call an old friend until 10 pm German time, so until 9 pm GMT you'll be fine.

    By the way, the difference between GMT (Greenwich Main Time) and Germany (EST) is still 1 hour.

    I don't know how so many people think everybody questioning here comes from the United States, where the time to German time differs between 6 to 9 hours depending on which American timezone you are based..

  6. GMT and Germany are about the same timezones... call her in the middle of the day and you'll be fine.

  7. its a bit late, she might have work in the morning, or be in bed. try at 7pm gmt tomorrow.

    Or leave a message if possible.

  8. its a little late, the time diff. id 6hrs. so right now its 4 in the morning, not such a good idea.

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