
Is it too late for me to be competitive?

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I began skating when I was 6 years old. I competed twice at ISI competitions and won silver medals both times. I averaged practice about once a week (long drive) at that time. I took a break from skating about 3 years ago when I was just learning the AXEL at 13. I took a break because I was tired, and my boots (Riedell Silver Star) made my feet hurt really bad for some reason (now they don't). Anyway, I am thinking about starting up again this fall because a brand new rink just opened up about 15 minutes from where I live, and I would be able to practice a lot more often. I would most likely be entering FREESTYLE 6 but with private lessons. I AM ALMOST 17 YEARS OLD, and I know if i had kept it up I would probably be at Freestyle 9/10 level by now.




  1. its never too late. there are no age restrictions (except for juvenile and intermediate in usfsa, youtube it) . and in another year you can compete in adult competitions!

    its late to be senior national champion, because the girls there have been skating hours everyday for years and years, some as young as 14-15. but i know 17-19 year olds competing just around your level!

    competitions might be a little embarassing (im told)

    if you are older competing against little girls, but by the time you are 18 you can do tons of adult competitions....even adult nationals!!

    there's tons of things you can do with skating,

    you can try adult pairs

    adult ice dancing (ive seen 67 year olds practicing ice dancing)

    figure skating is great.

    keep it :P

  2. I started skating at 6, and then I had to stop and start over again. When I was 11, I was in FS 1, and now I am 14, and in FS 6. The olympics are a little far fetched for me, but if you work hard, I am sure you can make it to senior level- if you find a rink that will let you skate after the age of 18. Good luck though. I hope you make it.

  3. It's too late for you to be the next Michelle Kwan, but I know people who skate well into their 70's! It's a great way to keep fit.

  4. It's never too late to get back into competitive skating.  That's great that you want to get back into it!  While at 17 the idea of going to the Olympics or Worlds might be at little far-fetched, making it to your senior test or even trying out competitions as a senior skater isn't out of the realm of possibilities.  It will still be a lot of hard work, but reaching senior level is still very possible.  Once you get there, will you necessarily want to compete against much younger girls?  From experience being 14 skating against 8-year-olds, you probably won't want to.  :)  But, here's a thought -- assuming you're in the US because I'm not sure what other countries do -- being 17 and picking up skating again, you could get some tests under your belt and at 21, you can test and compete as an adult.  For some skaters, that doesn't appeal because there's less attention on adult skaters as opposed to the younger ones, but if you test high enough in standard track and cross over to adult (you can still keep testing standard too), you could compete as an adult masters, which in my book is pretty cool.  And adults here have their own nationals competition and I'd think winning that, would also be pretty great.  So even though you're starting back at 17, you still have some opportunities available to you.  Good luck!!  :)

  5. It's never too late to compete for fun or to really compete.  I see 55 year olds competing in FS 5.  I wouldn't get your heart set on Learning a triple axle but you can still get really good.  If you want to I say Go For It!  Good luck!

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