
Is it too late for me to become a Professional Rugby player?

by Guest10722  |  earlier

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I am a 21yo guy and have not played a game of rugby since I was 11 but recently I have been really regretting not keeping up with it.

Realistically is it too late for me to start training again and get into atleast Super 14 by the time I am 24 - 25?





  1. I asked myself the same question over and over when i went back to rugby 3 years ago when i was 20, I had stopped playing at 18 and had seen a lot of my old team mates get contracts.

    If you are good enough it is not impossible but also requires a great deal of luck too, Once you are enjoying the game good things will happen but making it pro might be a step too far, most pros are signed at the age of 20 or 21 and have represented their countries through most age groups, then again there are fantastic players who will never make pro. If you have it in your head to make pro and fail then you'll be disappointed, set your sights lower to start with, your first goal should be to give it your best at every match, but you may have to make the low team first. Impress and move to the next level, you need to be a "legend" on your teams first team someone that the others can look to as a game breaker. Your team also needs to be a high level amateur team where players are recruited from. If your team plays in a really low league then there isnt much chance of you being noticed.....

    When i went back playing i went to a low league club to get game time, I also trained twice a day in between college, now this year i have been asked to play with the college who are in a high league, Im not going to make pro but i push each level i can, nothing is impossible, but that set your goals too high or the drop will be that much crushing,

    As for fitness i dont know how fit you are but you would have to take a full year off and spend everyday working with a trainer on your strength and fitness.......

    Its a really long shot but i like your attitude, best of luck man!!

  2. Only you will know if you have the talent. And if you don't know, you will never find out if you don't give it a go.

  3. There are lots of YOUNGER... FITTER... MORE EXPERIENCED players than you. Im not saying its IMpossible. But hey if you really want... you can try. Start by joining your local club.

    No disrespect but... you havnt played half of your life?

  4. Impossible is nothing. If you have mates who play for a good club and can get you a run then go for it. But I think you could be barking up the wrong tree.

    Why play a sport to be a pro ?

    You should be wanting to play rugby because you love the game not because you've been watching the world cup and suddenly fancy yourself as a pro rugby player.

    If you don't love the game, you won't go far.

    But hey, I love the game and I never went anywhere !

  5. Too late.............

    Who says you'd be good enough anyway? Just because you WANT to play S14 doesn't mean you're good enough to.

  6. Ali Williams (All Blacks) played soccer untill he was 16. You can still try it!!

    Dont give up on it!!

  7. you 21yrs,you haven't played in 10yrs..get your body into shape but the most important thing is that its more of a mental thing for you.Get your head in the rite space like an endurance athelete bro,at your age not playing for 10yrs it would have to be 20% physical 80%mental,once you do that you can do anything....good luck!!!!!!!!GO ALLBLACKS

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