
Is it too late for me to learn to swim?

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I'm a woman of 33. Do you think it is too late for me to learn to swim? How long would it take and is it worth it (will i enjoy it once i've learnt?




  1. It's fantastic, and it's never too late. My grandmother learnt at 70. You have to try it.

    Good luck.

  2. no it should be faster because all you need to learn is how to hold the air in your lungs and don't panic... holding the air in your lung wile on your back and letting the air out and taking it in really quick will hold you up. try to take a deep breath and dive down. you will see that you will start to go up . and that's good .its all in the lung control.

  3. yes learn to swim you well enjoy it and it might save your life one day. and how long well it take it depends on how determend you are and how good you want to become. it well take some where ariyund the summers worth! ya it takes that long but it is skill you well use your hole life. after all the death in the water on the news my mom wanted to make sure that my little brother was a strong swimmer! then gave him a chosie in between swim leasons from a life gard or from me. (he chose me) . it is importaint!

  4. have you ever heard of this?

    "it is never too late"

    do not get worked up about not being able to swim or not being able to LEARN how to swim. I'm sure you can find a suitable swimming teacher somewhere and in a few weeks time, you'll be able to get the hang of breaststroke or even freestyle!

    wish you good luck ;)

  5. 33 yrs is still considered a young age, and as long as you dont have any serious breathing problems, you can learn breast-stroke, front crawl and back-stroke pretty easily.

    How fast u manage a particular style depends on your time availability, easy access to a pool and of course your urgency and passion. Do you like to take a casual 3mths programme with a weekly session of an hour or so? Or you have a sea-cruise coming up in a month's time and you desire to learn some critical skills by then?  Every human being is capable of floating and swimming; if the dog and many animals can, without formal lessons, why cant a person? You must sign up for a mini-group coaching so as to progress faster. Select an experienced coach.

    Of course you'll enjoy swimming, with your family members, relatives, once you attain a certain level, at which you can complete a continuous 10-20 laps swim and later on take part in friendly adult competitions! Start with breast-stroke which requires the mininum of effort. Swim underwater and learn to recover items for some added fun--the skill will also come in handy one day. And swimming is the best activity during the summer, so be quick before the season is over!

    Best of luck!

  6. like others have been saying it's never too late! :) just find a place that gives lessons and ask if they are giving any  adult classes at the moment!

  7. No, your never too late to do anything. If you want to do something, do it. Since swimming isnt hard, it will probably take you about 1-2 months. good luck =)

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