
Is it too late for me to start dancing??

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I am 18 years old and have ALWAYS loved dancing. My mom claims she tried putting me in dance classes when I was younger and I would never go. I've always felt like I couldn't start because I didn't begin when I was like 3 or 4. I don't want to just sit and watch anymore. So would it be too late for formal training right now?




  1. Absaloutley not! My sister started Irish dancing when she was   17, and she has done very well. Age doesn't matter, the only thing that does matter is your love of the art of dancing.

  2. Nope. It is never to late to start dancing. Dancing is something ppl use to express their thoughts and feelings it doesn't matter how you do it just do it. I am a dancer myself and Ive been dancing all my life. Long enough to see that ppl can progress in as little as months. Go for it you'll love it and it will be something new and exciting!

  3. no. its never too late. it might be a little strange taking classes with other girls on your level, because they are most likely younger than you. but, i started dancing when i was 9, and it was a challenge because i talked to the studio owner and she thought it would be good for me to be challeneged, so i was put right in with the girls my age. at first my mom had to take me, CRYING but i got much better and now im one of the senior dancers at my studio! typically the girls at my studio leave when they turn 18. why are you just starting. nvm.

    good luck. im so glad i could help! have a nice rest of th day!

  4. No age is to late to start dancing. If you want to go pro then maybe to late for that but if it is just for you and as a hobby there is no problem with starting out at 18. I will warn you, you will be put in a younger class because they will be beginners to. If you work extremely hard and show potential you should be move up and eventually be in a class with people your age.

  5. go follow your dreams. Just because you are 18 does not mean you are too old. My dad was dancing when he was 55 years old. There are a lot of places who need older dancers. Go follow your dreams and do not let your age stop you.



  6. i think you should...if you rele wanna learn..i say go for only have one life...and i heard that there wuz this prima ballerina(don't know her name) who started when she wuz 12...instead of 3 or age doesnt matter that much....

  7. No way man. Good luck with it too! I was in the same boat, and I took up some classes. I love it! Just don't give up!

    Have fun!!

  8. i dont think you are too old to learn. i started when i was 7, and am just as good as the girls who started at 3. i do think you might have a togher time learning, but with practice you will be just as good as every other dancer out there.

  9. nope

  10. i didnt start when i was that little. i was 8, but its never too late, i know old ladies that start. it's kinda gross, and they dont get very good, but go, enjoy it. it's the most work i've ever had to do, but its also something i love

  11. no

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