
Is it too late to apologize... Seriously .... is it ... ?

by  |  earlier

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  1. It is never too late to apologize.  Never.  Just do it, you will feel much better.

  2. No, its never to late to apologize, think about it, if someone came to you to apologize wouldnt you accept matter how long it takes.....the good will always come out in someone, it might take forever, but everybody has something good about them.....

  3. it's never too late to apologize!

  4. I would need some background info to know what you are talking about. Apologize for what?

  5. It would depend on what happened and how long ago.  You're not giving us much to go on.  I will say, you can always apologize, but the passage of time coupled with the severity of your transgression may make your apology less effective, or seem less meaningful.

  6. It's never too late, but you might not always be forgiven. It helps you to move on if you apologize, even if the other person doesn't forgive you.

    I apologized to my friend in March for a fight we had in December.  He never responded, but until I wrote and sent him a sincere, meaningful apology, I had a hard time moving on.  We're no longer friends, but I feel I was able to let it go.

  7. for what???

  8. it's never too late to apologize, but you may get a delayed reaction in response, due to your being late.

  9. Why r u asking this question???

  10. it probably depends on the severity of the situation

  11. If it happened like two weeks ago then yeah it is. If it happend like two DAYS ago, then no. Always apologize within the week.

  12. Whatever the issue at hand was about it's never too late to realize one made a mistake and to apologize for this mistake.. either the person will forgive you.. and if not at least you have made amends and you know you made a mistake and that alone should bring you peace of mind and ''closure''... xxxxx

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