
Is it too late to avoid a winter of discontent?

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Ever since the start of the credit crunch a year ago, the government has been banging on about how well placed Britain is to weather the storm. Nothing could be further from the truth.




  1. well this is the Labour party in power for 10 years coming home to roost. May be now the Labour supporters will think before voting.

  2. the worse thing that ever happened was when the energy and water were privatised. It has gone up and up  to pay the shareholders big dividends. If old people die this winter think of the system that puts wealth first and put the blame on those greedy people.

    I believe the Tories started the privatisation of essential services, no good blaming this government

  3. It is not the Conservatives who have brought us to this point - more than a decade out of power means Labour had a long and good time to make provision for this.  They did not.  They wasted the money when times were good and now we are all paying the price.  They have strangled the economy and used cheap foreign labour to maintain their lifestyle at the taxpayers' expense.  

    Blaming Thatcher just will not wash in this day and age.    

  4. Yes.  I really do hope we do not have a severe winter, it frightens me to think of how many of our elderly population will be brought out in body bags.

  5. Much much too late, hold on to your hats, that is if you still have one, its going to be stormy and a really bumpy ride.  

  6. Jim Callaghan is going to look down on us all from 'oop there' and say to himself "'78/79 was nothing compared to what Gordy is in for...!!!"

    I wonder if he'd be chuckling to himself or sympathising with Gordon Brown

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